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[CW] Alawrpar (Novaline Co-Owner) - Attacking WeAreDevs


fka as delta


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Credits to Zera for the entire cw, I'm posting this for him because he's lazy


His WRD Profile <----


Alawrpar has admitted that he's the person behind the recent wrd attacks.


Zera dmed Alawrpar and started a voice chat. He then brought up his suspicion that Rexi might be responsible for the attacks. Alawrpar immediately denied any involvement from Rexi, but after a while, Alawrpar ended up admitting that they were actually behind the attacks. Not to mention, it certainly seemed like Alawrpar had something to hide. Creating multiple threads and having conversations with the "bot authors" (Which were probably his alts) is definitely suspicious, since no one really cared at that time. Maybe he was trying to cover his tracks or manipulate the situation to his advantage.



Here's Proof of him admitting he is the person behind the attacks


This seems like enough proof *again* 

There was already involvement between him and the attacks that happened a few months ago. He got away with it. Dont let it happen again.

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fka as delta


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for further context, i gaslit him and said "I know who it is" 5 times over, i even continued to ridicule him with a racial slur. He popped after


Syraxes_ 63 Reputation


Your discord theme is very hot! 😻

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Zera 40 Reputation


thanks syrax, its material discord. A very good theme

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Welcome back drama! I missed you!

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can people stop involving my people in drama, ty


Zera 40 Reputation


so he doesnt admit to stating "yes its me", the same implication used to admit guilt.


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Alternate 36 Reputation


what the hell is going on

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fka as delta


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He has literally admitted it in this screenshot? "I have no time" is literally the worst excuse I ever heard

He comments he was in extreme pain, to stop zera from communicating with him in vc (which he was muted in) he could have left. Yet admitted to the attack as a reasonable way of avoiding this confrontation? Illogical


ecstacy_lxnny 95 Reputation


You  also did use racial slurs from the beginning. You could've simply left the voice chat, but instead you decide to admit it, so he leaves you alone, even tho it's not true, according to you? This is extremely unbelievable 

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Zera 40 Reputation


I think publicity should be involved, so you're saying that your medication and dental treatment is the ongoing outcome of your illogical responses and replies to my confrontation. While that could have been a viable explanation I would like to claim that you acted upon said "impulse" to get me to leave you alone due to the stress and pain of your treatment. Yet you now continue to reply with genuine reason to this cw. Quite suspicious is it not, of course you would be risking novalines reputation. But eitherway this doesn't excuse your answer. If anything the best course of action you could have made was get off call, and block. Doesn't take a genius with a pill in his system to click 4 buttons.

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"extreme pressure", its a discord call not a court case. I ask you a couple questions with slurs, you answer back or get off. Theres no accusing anyone without a viable statement, seems like your typing has gotten better. How's the pain doing? Gummies are back too, quite coincidental

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Eitherway, odd moment to accept my discord call considering you're in "unbareable pain". Every excuse your making is COINCIDENCE upon COINCIDENCE. It is not adding up

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devvzz 0 Reputation


This looks like a very very sad try of saving his reputation lol

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fka as delta


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There is a little awareness that as soon as the CW is published and the gummies start attacking at the same time.. I don't like this.


Zera 40 Reputation


thats what im saying, coincidental now isnt it?

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ItsNitro 4 Reputation


There all saying that it isnt him also which is much more sus

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I'm not lazy, I'm just highly motivated to do nothing. #I💚Dogs.

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wow. didn't expect him out of all the people to do this. what a stupid idiot atleast go outside for once

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crazy tbh ong fr fr no cap

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"Questionable intellegence, but I like the mystery" - CubeFaces


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I can clear alawapr here actually I know it isn't him, idk about rexi or whoever tho


ecstacy_lxnny 95 Reputation


Sorry, but it seems like much more proofs that he's behind the attacks than him not being behind it.

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Cuby 57 Reputation


Don't know what you have against the kid but it isn't him. Like seriously if it was i wouldn't be bothered to comment specially since I have to moderate this crap 

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Zera 40 Reputation


theres more proof against him than proof supporting him to be innocent, think about it cubes

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Moonzyss_ 4 Reputation


i coded novaline android's UI a few hours ago, he was outside and is probably doing some coding right now on it. (i have no proof for the second one, he might be doing something else)

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this is like that one guy that got exposed for wanting to smoke with a 13 year old and he blames it on his fiber pills LLOLLLL


its just like this situation when alawafap gets caught he blames it on his pills

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fka as delta


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you all are removing his reputation remarks due to the fact of moral bias, since you "know the individual" and he "wouldn't do that" yet you arent taking into account any of this information due to it
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fka as delta

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Penis Balls /charrsss

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its literally alawrpar the proof is right there in your face stop removing his -rep marks

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i dont use verm that much so dont contact me there


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It does not seem to me to be an integral part of moderation to remove the negative reputation. There is clear evidence against it, but no defense to back it up and yet it is removed? That's just dissenting.


ecstacy_lxnny 95 Reputation


Exactly, it just doesn't make sense how there's proof literally right there, but people don't believe it.

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Syraxes_ 63 Reputation


 The accusation is supported according to Guidelines [3° Rule] and yet moderation removes it without a self-defense of the accused or some public reason,  It's not moral. 

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I'm not lazy, I'm just highly motivated to do nothing. #I💚Dogs.

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