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SeizureSalad (i love femboys)

Reputation: 37 [rate]

Joined: Mar, 2021

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"Questionable intellegence, but I like the mystery" - CubeFaces


seizure salad#3820 femboys are hot | C# and a bunch of other languages developer talking to me is like wiping your ass with sandpaper


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Replied to thread : Leaked Executor

dumb sh*t lmfao

Commented to thread : [release] jsploit src

no lol i am not that skid

Created a new thread : [release] jsploit src

hey guys i made this a while ago but gave up on it ever since roblox did byfron whatever so i'm just gonna release this


doesn't work; is funny tho

Commented to thread : synapse switching sides is a w for them

nah roblox was deadass planning to sue them. Rogue devs as well as Synapse devs were offered a job to work with roblox and reversed said no for Rogue but I guess synapse said yes.

Created a new thread : synapse switching sides is a w for them

ngl bruh synapse are the real winners in this situation bc they get an actual job now and don't have to worry about roblox suing their asses lol

Created a new thread : how we could bypass byfron

hey guys. i just had genius jimmy neutron brain blast last night and realized how EASY it is to BYPASS BYFRON!!!!


all you have to do is uh like open Roblox.EXE in NOTEPAD!!! then FIND AND REPLACE!!! THE word "BYFRON" !!! problem solved.


i will be taking my mohey from roblox hackerone page now. many tnaks.

Replied to thread : who doesn't feel sorry for the WPF UI?

might as well ask someone to make you an entire exploit then

Commented to thread : Hyperion has been officially bypassed.

not like you could do any better

Commented to thread : Floating-Point Conversion Precision Issues

@Whoman nuh uh doens't hpapen in c#

Commented to thread : Floating-Point Conversion Precision Issues

do 0.1 + 0.2 and then come back lmfao

Replied to thread : Logos and Thumbnails

> octagon

> logo is donut