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My Next Steps.
This Was Expected But With Roblox Upgrading Their Security.
I Wanted To Take A Moment To Inform You That I Have Made The Difficult Decision To Leave The Roblox Exploiting Community. It Has Been An Incredible Journey, And I've Had The Opportunity To Meet And Collaborate With Some Truly Talented Developers. However, I Believe It Is Time For Me To Move In A Different Direction, As I've Got Things In Life To Look Forward To College, Graduation Etc.
I Want To Express My Deep Appreciation For The Knowledge And Experiences I've Gained During My Time In The Community. I'm Grateful For The Friendships I've Formed Along The Way.
Thank You For All The Support, Knowledge Sharing, And Memorable Moments We've Shared Together. If You Ever Want To Reach Out Or Stay In Touch, Please Feel Free To Contact Me Through Discord immoonlion318.
I Hope To Retain My Role Here Cause I'll Stop By Fairly Often Since I Have A Lot Of Free Time, I Don't Intend On Stopping Developing Nor Do I Intend On Killing Off Nihon I May Mess Around With It Every Now And Then Otherwise I Want To Thank Everyone For The Wonderful Experience I've Had Here And The Great Memories I've Made With All My Friends It's Truly Been A Wonderful 3 Years.
I'll Keep Nihon Up As A Show Of What Me And My Best Friends Have Created Together Just Give Me Time To Push A Build Which Functions.
Me And The Boys In This Community.
Thank You ImmuneLion318.
Thank You For Your Service 🫡
hi i'm abf
Immune on top still
simp for immune
Been a real special journey brother, I already miss the early days of exploiting.
ImmuneLion318 89 Reputation
I Miss When It Was Me, You, Shade, Locust.
My Discord is xwyvern
Cya immoon come back soon ;)
Bye. Gl on what your gonna develop next.
Appreciate The Replies.
Imonn on top
roblox exploiting has died, you did a good job leaving
Hi Immune, it has been a long time since we have talked.
If you were wondering where I had been, I quietly left WRD around February or March 2023. It was not about Byfron/Hyperion that time, but rather my dissatisfaction with the WRD community. The DDoSing incident was the last straw for me and I decided to leave it there afterwards.
I decided to come check up on WRD after V3rmillion had decided to shut down. Seeing you around, however, brings about a revelation: in my eyes, ever since having met you in 2020, you have changed so much, having gone from friendly to borderline hostile. You refused to accept this premise back then -- you made up for your behaviour with your skills.
Simply put, by 2023, I had seen WRD as a FFA arena. No one was truly there for one and another. It would be offensive of me to simply wish you "good luck for whatever you do in the future", because that is not a genuine response from me. I will always see most people on WRD simply being "fake".
While most people are still recovering from the shock of having seen some of our most talented work for Roblox on patching vulnerabilities, such an event should not take anyone at all by surprise.
People have always had a self-prioritising behaviour throughout WRD's existence (and in v3rm too), and I don't think neither of us are exceptions. We both have gone to far lengths to act "acceptably" in the WRD community.
Something which no one here will openly admit is that a person does not solely rise up in this community simply by being skilled. People rise up in this community by "finding" or making an enemy, attacking them for the most mundane things, and create a CW on them.
I even suspect that there was and still is mass corruption within the higher ranks of WRD, something else most people will never openly say due to fear of retaliation. It is no surprise that only key system exploits or at least exploits that generate revenue from ads were on the WRD front page, at least since 2022. Some people who should not have been staff here currently or before somehow got there.
So, instead of wishing you a goodbye (which would really be improper since you are still here to stay...), what I ask from you is that before you do leave WRD, at least take notice at what you have done on WRD. It is not solely Roblox's new anti-tamper that can be blamed for killing WRD, but also that of the WRD staff team having failed to take care of WRD.
Alternate 36 Reputation
I can agree with most of what you've said up until the part where you talked about how people rise in this community. There are a handful of people including me who haven't really had a set enemy or even CW'ed anyone (unless you count my joke CW's and my Logang warning, someone who isn't even on this platform). Most reputation here isn't earned by CW'ing people, it's made by actually being active and contributing, because a lot of times to even properly make CW's you have to be closely involved with the community to figure things out and communicate proper evidence (unless you're making a sh*t CW). About the front page, do you expect them to advertise paid exploits? WRD has been for free reputable exploits the entire time, and in addition to that even beyond WRD essentially every free exploit has some system of generating income through ads. It's not anything specifically tied to WRD. There's not necessarily a lot of corruption in the moderation team but it's more of the fact it's run by mainly <18 year olds who occasionally mix their moderation abilities with their normal user abilities (which isn't everyone in the moderation team). But I do agree with your last paragraph.
ImmuneLion318 89 Reputation
I'm Not Gonna Defend My Actions My Aggression Nor My Behavior I've Done What I've Done For The Greater Good Of The Community In My Eyes, As Said In The Cod Series "When We Sh*t We Bury It." Or "You Know What They Say About Revenge, You'd Better Be Ready To Dig Two Graves." I Did What I Did Because I Felt I Had No Other Choice Which Would Offer A Better Outcome, In The Process I Buried Myself With Everyone I Mean't To Take Down For What They've Done, If You Don't Agree With Me You Don't Agree Plain And Simple But You Wasn't There You Don't Know What Goes On Behind Closed Doors So I Can't Exactly Agree With What You've Said.
Top 10 Poop Positions | Beginner's tutorial in making exploits
Xi Jinping Winnie the Pooh
Sad to see you go (but expected), I haven't been active much myself either and have slowly drifted away from this community, it's happening to all of us, and I think exploiting isn't gonna be the same as it ever was. This looks like the end.
#Road to 15 Rep
PC Specs: RTX 4080 OC (16GB), 32 GB 3200MHz, i7-11700k
As An Update I Left Out, I Originally Took Over JJSploit's Module During The Changes On The UWP Client And Unfortunately With My Departure I'm No Longer Able To Maintain Perhaps I'll Come Back To Provide It Another Time Sorry Anyone.
Its been a good time. Good luck with life. Hope for only the best things!
aw man that kinda sucks i was just about to see if i could try again, s sucks
I am a used-to-be programmer, now producer, rapper and artist
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yvneEnvy 3 Reputation
Shut up simp