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Rate this UI
Posted June 16, 2023
I know it's not the best, but please give me suggestions as to what to add to it. This is entirely made in HTML and CSS as part of a project I've started working on, yes, a web exploit has been done before, however, I'm creating this one with the goal of the entire functionality a normal exploit would have, just the UI is in your browser lol
It's a fun side project ngl
The editor is Ace and has IntelliSense (yay no more forgetting how to print) and yes, most everything shown is functional already, I'm just working on the actual design itself now.
we are dead
Replied June 16, 2023
For Website executor very hot
Replied August 27, 2023
no symmetry
Replied August 29, 2023
why make it a local host web file and not .net based?
nltr | Xaml & C# Developer | Former Fluxus Administrator
💜 Developer of Kronos 💜
Senior Dev of Orbit
Replied August 29, 2023
it's a 1/10, i understand that youre still experimenting but that ui is still horrendous
also use a web framework
Alternate 36 Reputation
Commented August 29, 2023
Yeah the main point of this thread was to get suggestions for what people would like to see in an exploit like this, it's been completely written now though
Replied August 29, 2023
1/10 sorry bro html can be 10x better than this
Alternate 36 Reputation
Commented August 29, 2023
nah it's fine the point of this thread was to get suggestions for what people would like to see in an exploit like this it's been completely written now though
Whoman 17 Reputation
Commented August 29, 2023
@Alternate "it's been completely written now though" so you finished writing a ui in html?
Whoman 17 Reputation
Commented August 29, 2023
@Alternate can i see 🙏
Did I mention I use arch btw?
Replied August 29, 2023
Awesome UI considering the fact its a website, I see a future in these types of User Interfaces as stealth cheats for streamers!
Replied August 29, 2023
No comment, 55/100 ig.
Replied August 30, 2023
People are still necroposting after nearly 2 months?
Exploits i own:
Script-Ware (Down rn) Electron (UWP) Shadow (UWP)
i dont use verm that much so dont contact me there
Replied August 30, 2023
Web-based interfaces are not easy, but they are not that difficult either, in fact in some aspects their development is much easier. The UI is not the most decent, however this project is interesting. It would be nice to see it released to the public.
Just improve the editor please
I'm not lazy, I'm just highly motivated to do nothing. #I💚Dogs.
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Alternate 36 Reputation
Commented August 29, 2023
cause it's a proof of concept