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Should i buy sirhurt?

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Please stop comparing your sh*tshow with synapse. Everyone knows synapse is way better.

Please get off this site, no one wants a pedo selling exploits worse than FREE versions.

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@matty324, If paying 20 bucks a month for a lego hack is what tickles your pickle then I guess go for it man. Mind explaining how I'm a pedophile sir? But no, I'm not going to leave this website just because children like you lacking braincells exist here and tell me to. You seriously think I care enough about some kids opinion who doesn't even understand what a 'pedophile' is to the point I'll actually leave? LOL.


I honestly find posts like yours ammusing because every single time I make a valid point about a topic people like you do a complete 360 and pretend like you never even saw my valid points then proceed to continue making trash posts such as these without having any sort of evidence or claims to back you up. LOOOOOL. Literally 3 you's have completely failed to actually make a proper response to my point in this thread and it's honestly amazing that you think a post 'get off this site' actually makes me even remotely care enough like I'm actually going to quit because of it. Don't you think it look clownish on your behalf because you guys can't even back up your own posts? I bet you wish it worked that way though. :(

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"Literally 3 you's have completely failed to actually make a proper response to my point in this thread"

Because the proof is on youtube. Everyone knows you're a pedo and sent your crippled d*ck pics to a minor. Seriously, no one likes you on this website. Only people that like you are idiotic 11 year olds that don't know what they're spending hard earned money on.

Seriously, get off.

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@matty324, Kindly name one youtube video that shows my discord Id along with the video to prove the account wasn't tampered with that shows I sent 'd pics' to anyone. I literally have a picture from 'sadgirl' (which if you are even remotely aware of the drama you'd know this is where the d claim comes from) showing multiple me's in her message history. You know what they say... no discord id & tag, no evidence. So lets see here... you are basing your claim of me sending d pics off a screenshot given to you by someone that doesn't even show the account information (cough sadgirl convos).. and you have the Clorox drama which I was only 3 years older than her and never sent any d pics to her. Ever. If you have even the slight ability to read, you'd know the literal definition of pedophilia states the ages difference must either be 5+ years to qualify as pedophila or the person in question has to be younger than 13... which she wasn't. So once again mind explaining how I fall into the 'pedo' catagory here when you can't even remotely prove one of the sides of the drama as true or cannon, and the one that IS considered cannon (Clorox convos) doesn't even fall into the catagory of pedophilia & no such images were ever sent to her? Explain?

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"i don't have any picture proof so imma just find whatever seems unnatural and use it as my defense"

tldr, definitely not arguing with a known pedo, i also wouldn't trust ur exploit, since sirhurts database got breached, one time or 2, it still counts as a breach, so you have a bad history kiddo.

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OP don't get this exploit, heres a video about sirhurt being so trash its unable to run a synapse gui script

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@matty324, ROBLOX had a database breach yet you still play ROBLOX and aren't complaining how ROBLOX is unsecure and has a bad history? Their entire 2006-2009 DB got leaked. If your logic is avoiding SirHurt because it had ONE breach, why are you still particpating on ROBLOX if they had ONE breach too?

Still love it that you couldn't counter my claim and just choose to ignore my post. I'm sure if someone stole your PFP and name and made a discord account pretending to be you then making a claim that your a pedo based off those 'screenshots that show your name and pfp in the messages' that you wouldn't be laughing very hard either. But hey, based on your own logic, I'm sure those screenshots would be perfectly acceptable in your catagory just because it 'shows your display name and pfp' in the images.

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OP ignore whatever this bozo says, its not worth buying an exploit that can't run 814 lines of unobfuscated code as shown above.

Gonna ignore him before i get -repf*cked by icepools and his alts cause he got mad LMFAO

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@matty324, That was a year ago and a single script. SirHurt has had major improvements since then. You're crap talking SirHurt and clearly don't even own it or are even remotely aware of it's power in current time. He's asking people who OWN sirhurt if it's worth it, not people who watched a youtube video on it and suddenly became an expert in all-things-sirhurt. He wants information from people who bought it and are aware of its current abilities today not a year ago. He wants to buy it today not a year ago. Just saying.

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"so when i was searching script in youtube, and i found some paid exploit recommendation. so i thought "what is the cheapest paid roblox exploit" so i search it on google, and i found noobhaxx that has been discountinued, and i found sirhurt. is worth it to buy?. (+ i need dex explorer bc the krnl does not support dex ig)"

Where does it mention that the OP said that he needed advice from Sirhurt users? im sorry but are you on crack?

You're lying, a year ago is when sirhurt was and still is the same. Stop making stupid excuses please.

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imma actually ignore him now, done replying against d*cks that ruined their public sentiment.

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Exploits i own:

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@matty324, and what makes you think you're even at all capable of speaking on a products behalf when you don't even own it? How do you expect anyone to get accurate real-time-information if the kids who reply to their questions haven't even used the product before? LMAFO. Literally every single person who posted on this thread that owns sirhurt in real time made a positive remark about it and said its worth it. The only ones talking crap about it are people like you bro who have never even touched the product. :skull:

who would you rather get your info from? the people who actually own a sirhurt copy and know exactly what it's capable of or skids like you that haven't ever touched the thing in their lifes and can't stop talking about how bad it is? How are you even remotely capable of providing an accurate answer when you haven't even tried SirHurt yourself?

Also it'd be fine by me if you quit replying. Probably better to quit now before you make yourself look anymore like a fool.

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Sirhurt is quite good in my opinion. The owner is really nice and cares about his userbase.

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Try the cheat launcher verve today ⬇

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As of previously using SirHurt I didn't care much for it but to each their own 

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shut up nerd

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