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Replied to thread : [RELEASE] SIRHURT: SirHurt's perm work-around for the Beta ROBLOX client
@pierre_spook thanks! :)
Replied to thread : [RELEASE] SIRHURT: SirHurt's perm work-around for the Beta ROBLOX client
@pierre_spook do you have a discord server for sirhurt because its saying its invalid lol
Replied to thread : [RELEASE] SIRHURT: SirHurt's perm work-around for the Beta ROBLOX client
@pierre_spook and thats how you get free sirhurt lmao
SirHurt was actually my first paid exploit because i won a thing and got like 2 days or 1 week sirhurt so its basically in my heart
good on you for the -5 to the +6 rep
Replied to thread : [RELEASE] SIRHURT: SirHurt's perm work-around for the Beta ROBLOX client
@_realnickk thanks for the Rep Nickk :)
Replied to thread : [RELEASE] SIRHURT: SirHurt's perm work-around for the Beta ROBLOX client
Uploaded wrong image sorry, fixed
If i was paid how much would it be? :thonk:
Improved it with drop shadow
Replied to thread : [RELEASE] SIRHURT: SirHurt's perm work-around for the Beta ROBLOX client
@64418dont have a CC or Paypal, honestly wouldn't care.
Replied to thread : [RELEASE] SIRHURT: SirHurt's perm work-around for the Beta ROBLOX client
@pierre_spook yeah, btw
Replied to thread : [RELEASE] SIRHURT: SirHurt's perm work-around for the Beta ROBLOX client
Cool exploit you got Pierre!
Wish I had SirHurt, maybe next time when I get som $$$
Love the custom launcher too, maybe i'll do som special SirHurt Thread Design
Replied to thread : [self-CW] luau is speedsterkawaii (apology)
@yranxzy oh wow i forgot u existed lmao
Replied to thread : [self-CW] luau is speedsterkawaii (apology)
@70052So? He still could of changed.
Replied to thread : what were your first exploit that you ever used?
stc mods /ccccccccccccccccccccc
Replied to thread : How to update the inline functions when roblox updates?
@CipX Compare it to the Original Roblox Source in IDA Pro and in the LuaU Source and remake all functions (inlined)