veh_handler and seh_handler disliker
Activity Feed
Commented to thread : [Cw] RealChronics/Haruka Scamming/Alting
You call refunding a dissatisfied customer "paying off"? That's just something an honest seller does.
I really do not see the reason to call Chronics a scammer, when that's simply not true.
I also do not appreciate this.
Replied to thread : [Cw] RealChronics/Haruka Scamming/Alting
I don't really see where the scamming has happened, this thread is misleading and that statement could be considered defamation.
Created a new thread : [Misc Release] Byfron Mac Leaks
Hey, hello, bonjour, salut, hallo, guten tag everyone.
You may be wondering why I gathered you all here today, it's in the title.
This is what appears to be a byfron mac build, it seems as if there is no page guarding and they have not implemented a signal (mac exception) handler just yet.
Here is the test version.
I'll keep this thread updated weekly, if you are interested (with bumps of course).
Enjoy the misc release.
Created a new thread : I am back (hopped up out the bed put my swag on)
hopped up out of the bed, put my swag on.
I am back
Replied to thread : anti-website ban system
this is false advertising
i was toldthis operated on the cloud
you are lyrfing this is terrible i could not imagine someone doing sucha thing.
why woudl you do this??/
Replied to thread : [RELEASE] Pure white bwrd theme.
this looks like me after the 400lbs bench press
Replied to thread : Roblox keeps on kicking me for exploiting every 2 games
so basically what you want to do is download VMWare and set up a windows 11 vm (google it)
Replied to thread : Screw Electron. Check out Tauri (Rust over Node.js)
Rust is the future and the future is not now.
Replied to thread : How would I get luaF_newCclosure address?
i believe lua_FNewClosure was in 0xD34DB33F but I'm not sure that might be from 2 updates ago.
you have to redo the build seed and shuffle structs to call it. using uintptr-t is detected by RACK2
Created a new thread : [j] add the recursive threads option.
I want embedded threads, so you can preview certain threads in wrd or something.