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(Soon) Script Hub API(Winform)

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Version: 0.1.0
This is the format currently:


    "image_link": "",
    "name": "OwlHub",
    "string_value": "loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))();"

^This is all I have atm. I just got the API working...(kinda)

If your wondering why I posted the .json, you thought I would post the api source? Nah, go make it yourself. It's quite easy

So yeah I mean...idk im bored and depressed...


This dll will serve as a way to import scripts into your exploit via a API. Since I don't see any public API's to import scripts into your executors, I might as well make one and contribute to the community.

Release date: 3/2/23

I will continue to post on this thread until release. There's plenty of more to come.

functions to be made:

Other things:
Make api skid proof(I see you speed)

If I see one skid I will demolish your house

Update 2/7/23:

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The matrix sent their agents

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Sounds cool 👍

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why not make it open source lmao
ive also made something similar without the image link
its honestly very simple to make but the challenge is getting regular people to use it so there is actually content there
why this over rscripts or scriptblox,

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@marcus__ Well in the future once I release, it will be open source on my github. For now, its closed source

Also about,
You can't import there scripts into a executor since(as far as I can see) they don't have a open API 

Basically im building my own that will allow you to import scripts into your executor. It'll have support if you want to use those scriptboxes on the side or have it where you create a frame and then a button for the script hub, the script hub will open and import the script into your textbox to execute.

Also scriptblox is nice but uh...the website is down...for a long time
This isn't like scriptblox. It's something where many people building there own executor can make there own scripthub without developing it. All they gotta do is design a templete. Insert the dll, then copy and paste some code and done. You would be connected to the "I haven't decided on a name yet" servers!

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The matrix sent their agents




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@Flinnyd i know they dont have an api
im saying that the average consumer will probably upload scripts on a more well-known site
so other script clouds will have less scripts

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@marcus__ The API will grab scripts from other websites and transform it into a json. Wherever scripts are uploaded will also be shown through the API. Basically a universal api that grabs all scripts. My API is designed to be drag and dropped into a executor with a few modfication. It's a addon for executors so people don't have to go to websites for scripts

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The matrix sent their agents


i love femboys

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whar is the point of this when other websites have apis

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"Questionable intellegence, but I like the mystery" - CubeFaces

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@SeizureSalad Please list a website that has a api to get scripts
So far a lot of websites I look for do not have a api. plus, the point of this is for new people trying to have a script hub built into there executor or just a script list that auto updates 24/7 in real-time

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The matrix sent their agents


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What bro so all ur "api" is doing is returning a json file with a link an image and the code for the script. BTW this would work on any framework, both winforms and wpf and practically any language that can retrieve and read json.

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Yes it's returning json but theres more

Keep in mind before saying anything else that I clearly stated that I would continue to update this thread. I'm not even close to being done as there is a lot planned. What I have released is part of what I have done

The api will have a setting to just import the json data so people can make there own design for the script hub. If they have it set it lets just say

set_UI = true  then they can have it where they have a button called script hub or any button and  they just have to use this function:


This will launch the dll with a winform UI so they can just drop the the dll into there project and call it a day. Most likely new developers will do that.

I want to add support to have a WPF UI for people who develop with WPF. Hope that clears the confusion.

Also the dll does return the data from a server. Its just packed into a dll so you dont have to add a lot of code to your project. Like WRD API.

Basically just a simple way to embed a script hub into your executor thats easy

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The matrix sent their agents


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bet ill use fr


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@eb_ isnt that the whole purpose whats the problem

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