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[Beginners Tutorial] Create a simple exploit using WeAreDevs API



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Create a simple exploit using WeAreDevs API
(Warning - due to Hyperion now being out, WeAreDevs API is currently down. However, the steps should be quite similar if you are using another API, you simply have to call their functions)

This tutorial is a tutorial for beginners. This will walk beginners though

  • Installing Visual Studio;
  • Creating an extremely basic UI for an exploit;
  • Adding functionality to it;
  • Testing and seeing if it works.

This is part 1 in my soon to be created series of tutorials for beginners in specific.

This is not an official tutorial, I made this out of boredom. This is probably the most detailed tutorial on WRD showing how to start off creating very simple exploits.

Step 0.1 | Getting Visual Studio

Visual Studio is most commonly used for creating exploits. I will be using Visual Studio 2022.


If you already have either Visual Studio 2019 or 2022 installed, make sure you have the ".NET desktop enviroment" workload installed. You can find this by running Visual Studio Installer, clicking "modify" on your version of Visual Studio and selecting ".NET desktop enviroment".  


Step 0.2 | Downloading Visual Studio 2022

First, download Visual Studio 2022 from here. Run the executable once downloaded.


Once open, click continue.

Wait for the installer to finish downloading and installing itself. Once that is done, a new window will pop up, asking you for workloads you wish to install. Click on ".NET desktop development".


Click "install", and wait patiently for it to install itself.


While waiting, you may want to take the oppotunity to go touch some grass. The installation will take approximately 10 minutes.

Step 0.3 | Creating a new project

Congratulations! You downloaded Visual Studio 2022, and it's now up and running. If it isn't running yet, you can always launch it from here or by searching Visual Studio in your searchbar.

This window is now open. Next, you will create a new project.

There will be a new window, showing you a bunch of templates to start from.


Search "WinForm" (or scroll and find it) and click Windows Form App (.NET Framework)


Make sure you select the right template.


After that, click "Next" (located at the bottom right corner). Now, a new window will pop up. Name your new project anything you want, and click "Create". I named mine "FirstExploit".

Success! You created a new project.

Step 1 | Creating a basic UI for your exploit in WinForms

For those nerds looking at this, you may ask "why not WPF?" I personally struggled with WPF as a beginner, and WinForms is way easier for beginners.

You will see this window.

If it says that your display is scaled up (or down) to a certain level, click "Restart Visual Studio with 100% scaling". You must do this or your UI will be messed up once you run it. 


Afer doing so, you must already be dazed by Visual Studio's horrific light mode. Do not fret! You can change Visual Studio's colour theme by searching up "colour theme" and changing Visual Studio's mode.

Click "Dark", then click "OK" to save your changes.

Now, you will need to create a simple textbox and two buttons. The textbox is where you would paste your script, and the two buttons are for injection and execution, respectively. You will need to have the toolbox open. If it isn't open, click on "View" on the top bar and click "Toolbox".

Now we have this open.

Search "RichTextBox", and slide it into anywhere in your window.

You can resize the RichTextBox by clicking on it once.

Add in buttons by searching "Button" and dragging it into your window.


Do this twice in order to add two buttons. Resize it as you wish. It might look like this after


My buttons are rounded since I'm on Windows 11, so don't worry if it isn't rounded for you. Now, resize the window by clicking on it once and resizing it.

It probably looks something like this now.

Next, we will add text to the buttons. Click the first button you put in. In the properties window located in your right side, find the text value and change the text from "button1" to "Inject".

Do the same for the second button you added, but name this "Execute".

We now have a UI set up! Now we will start to turn this window functional.


Step 2 | Referencing WeAreDevs API

You will first need to download WeAreDevs API from here. We will be using the C# version, not the C++ version.


Windows Security will detect this as a virus. As we all know, WeAreDevs isn't a virus, the way it behaves triggers such kind of detection. You can simply disable Windows Security by opening Virus & Threat Protection and disabling everything you see in the window.

You could also just add the entire downloads folder as an exclusion, but I wouldn't really recommend doing so (if you feel you're stupid enough to download viruses). If you scroll down in the Virus & Threat Protection window, you can find the exclusions button and you can add stuff at your own will.

Once downloaded, reference it in your project. In the "Solution Explorer" window, find "References", right click it, and click "Add reference".

Once the reference manager window has opened, click "Browse...", navigate to where you downloaded WeAreDevs_API and click WeAreDevs_API.dll. It is most likely in your download folder. After clicking it, click "Add".

Click "OK".

WeAreDevs is now referenced!

  • 1


Step 3 | Actually turning the buttons into something functional
Scroll down to see the rest of the message. Sorry this had to be put in as a comment/reply to my original message, WeAreDevs has a character limit of 8000.

Now comes the real programming. Just a quick reminder, you're now coding in C#. If you had programmed before, you will find this easy. If not, then this still should be relatively straight forward. Double click anywhere in the window.

This is the code behind the form. We will have to reference WeAreDevs in our code first. This can simply be done via

using WeAreDevs_API;

Place it where I placed it (it's pretty obvious where if you've programmed before).

Now it's referenced, we now need to reference WeAreDevs further. This can simply be done via

WeAreDevs_API.ExploitAPI WRD = new WeAreDevs_API.ExploitAPI();

The variable WRD could be anything, but for the sake of simplicity, I will name it WRD. Place it where I placed it.

Go back to the UI designer.

We are now going to make the Inject button functional. Double click on the first button we made (one with Inject)

Now we are here. Visual Studio automatically made this code for us. Here is where we put the code that will be run when you click the button.

We will now make the inject button functional. Simply insert this code.



Now, we will do the same for the execute button. Go back to the designer, and double click on the execute button.

Remember the textbox we inserted in the beginning? It's called a richTextBox, since it can have multiple lines. This is the execution code


This executes code from whatever is in the textbox.

Your code should now be looking like this.

Congratulations! You have finally made your code functional. But how do I now see if it works?


Step 4 | Building & Testing

We will now need to build this project. Go back to the UI designer (if you want to). Click on "View" in the top bar and then click on "Output".


This will show us where the application is built to. To build it, click "Build" in the top bar and click "Build Solution".

If you encounter errors while building, you may have done something wrong. Once the application has finished building, you will find the path to it.

Copy and paste the path to the folder, and navigate to it. For me, I copied "C:\Users\leona\source\repos\FirstExploit\FirstExploit\bin\Debug", pasted it into my search bar and opened the folder.

You will now see something similar to this.

Run the exe, and open up Roblox to test it. I highly recommend using alt accounts.  Click "Inject" to inject WeAreDevs API. If successful, this will show.

Try run this simple piece of code.


Copy and paste this into the textbox, and click execute. Press F9 to show the developer console, and it should show "Hi" printed to the console.

If everything works up to this point, you have successfully made your own exploit!

What's next? 

One of the most obvious things you will immediately notice is the poor UI here. Have a go at experimenting around. I'm always around at Main_EX#3595 on Discord if you have questions.

I will be creating further tutorials soon. For now, Google is your best friend.

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thanks. now i can create my own wrd api based exploits <3

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Im netral, not evil, not too kind either.

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Nice spoonfee- I mean tutorial :)

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Like OpenGamerTips said, holy crap man major spoonfeed lol. This tutorial is for like someone who hasn't programmed once in their life. There's effort put into this thread tho so props for that. 

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@_realnickk @OrbitRBX @kyron @63568
when i started making exploits i was legit so confused

i don't really want others to feel like this and i feel guilty not spoonfeeding this much

it could prevent more beginners doing mass skidding and creating unessesary trouble (which i did in 2019 in wrd under another account)

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thank u for the tutorial now i can make my own jjsploit

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Amazing tutorial, couldn't of been better

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God damn this should be pinned lol

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@MainDab Fair enough, but a downside I see is that they will expect code and knowledge to just be given to them without actually putting in the effort to learn themselves. Which could definitely lead to just pasting.

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@iCyphy uwu thanks

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eh they'll find it



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@63568 from what i've seen, they come expecting source codes they can paste off

that's what i searched for when i started exploiting, since there were no tutorials

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jesus christ you can just follow a youtube tutorial pls dont spam wrd with big4ss images lo


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Random quote here...



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@VoidableMethod a youtube tutorial may not be as detailed anyways

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