Activity Feed
Replied to thread : Get a "downloading error."
Did you not see the big "PENDING FIXES" sign on the front?
Replied to thread : outcome of roblox exploiting in the future?
Byfron has already been bypassed, search up "Ro-Exec" or "Krampus"
Replied to thread : WeAreDevs Forum's Current State
Exploiting is dead, this forum no longer serves its main purpose.
Created a new thread : How do I link OAuth2 to an already create email and password account? (Node.js)
How I plan for this system to work is: register an account with email/password first, and then authorize an Oauth2 app in settings somewhere. How could I bind the Oauth2 service with the email/password account? I couldn't find how to do this anywhere in any documentation with the service or other sources online.
Replied to thread : What happened to the website?
Because of the addition of Byfron to Roblox, this forum has since gone inactive due to the lack of things to talk about with exploiting dead. There's a ton of bot posts because the source of this forum went public. Good to see you Wabz :)
Replied to thread : None of the exploits are work
Exploits do not work anymore due to the addition of Byfron to Roblox's clients.
Replied to thread : how we could reverse engineer byfron
I'm no developer but I'm pretty sure that's NOT how that works