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WRD Exploit API

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Need help for making custom functions

tomvere -

0 252 -No Reply-
WRD API is not available to download?

GoldenVadim -

4 1812 quadrel
Is the WeAreDevs API back?

Xak17 -

0 546 -No Reply-
WRD Api Not Working

lionrawr456 -

1 736 Snowfall
why did they did that :(

wearedevs_huh -

5 1250 JacobWard
Is the WRD (or similar) api coming back?

RoBloxedHacked -

5 1129 virginvinset
Error when downloading the api


0 378 -No Reply-
Is WRD Still safe?

_Scr1pted -

3 1429 EthanAdams
Is WRD discontiniued?

filippos_alp -

3 1172 FlexRBLX
Link for old JJsploit

PhntmJshi -

0 337 -No Reply-
When I click the Inject button, it takes me to the code and gives me an error

mloccy -

3 1352 David3857

DDDD1234 -

1 758 RoBloxedHacked
when i go to launch jjsploit it crashes

Qubaz -

0 469 -No Reply-
WeAreDevs API not working??

befron -

0 885 -No Reply-
JJ Sploit broken

Teraxles -

0 642 -No Reply-


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