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24 hour reset key system

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does anybody know how to make a key system that resets every 24 hours and isn't the same for everyone,kinda like the fluxus one but for a hub

Also if anyone is willing to make it comment how much u would like for it.

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i love femboys

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ok look man you finna get scammed bruh this stuff ain't hard to make basically does all the work for you go read their documentation about like keys


Aetheron 5 Reputation


Where can I find their documentation

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oooooooooo 0 Reputation


Where could i find the docs ?

I tried searching on Google but i can't find it

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TERIHAX 30 Reputation


@SeizureSalad dont tell them

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SeizureSalad 37 Reputation


@oooooooooo @Aetheron


sorry teri

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Alternate 36 Reputation

Commented has lower rates than services like Linkvertise though, and without additional configuration if I remember correctly you can only use one checkpoint.


If you have the knowledge and availability just create a custom one rather than using something like

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"Questionable intellegence, but I like the mystery" - CubeFaces



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1- You need a domain

2- You need a host

3- Some php and MySql experience


First you have to own a domain and a host. Second you should create tables in your Mysql for database. After write a code that generates a key and addes key into database. After add this line to your code:  $Connection->query("DELETE FROM yourdatabasename WHERE yourdatabasetimevalue <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY)");

it will remove keys which is generated 1 day ago.

Note: Btw i dont recommend you using static key systems, like return "Whitelisted" its easy to be hooked.




Lol i already made one, so...


ddwdwd 0 Reputation


are you selling it?

and if you are for how much

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Alternate 36 Reputation


You don't always need a domain or host. That's only for when in production. Speaking of which, usually (depending on language and framework) you'll need a VPS rather than a standard hosting provider. That's all assuming you're in production though.


For development, all you need is localhost.


Also why tf are you using php when there are so many other better options

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Owner Of Hawk HUB

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express js, db of your choice and some "basic" node js code is all you need.

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"Building blocks of imagination, united in the virtual realm, where creativity thrives and friendships ignite. Welcome to the Roblox revolution!" - chatgpt



stop take my rice


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You need:


1. A backend language/framework (NodeJS, Flask, PHP, etc)

2. A database (MySQL, MongoDB, etc)

3. A computer (You don't need a domain until production, localhost exists)

4. FRNOTEND knowledge

Once you have gathered all the ingredients, learn to code and ez


I am not giving key systems away anymore but if you want more help DM me



xSwers 0 Reputation


He said he wants to make a key system for their hub. You need domain and host for a hub key system. How do you think localhost will work on others? No. If you use localhost, it will just work on you not on others.

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Alternate 36 Reputation


@xSwers What you're referring to is a production environment, I explicitly stated within my reply that you don't need a domain UNTIL production, but during the development and testing phases localhost is fine. Your initial reply suggested that in order to create the key system, you need a domain and host which is not true. You need those for HOSTING, not CREATING. It seems you're under the impression that I had said you can use localhost for production, which is not true. The OP asked how to make a key system, not how to host a key system, and for that a domain is unnecessary.


Now, with all that being said, yes, at some point assuming development is successful, you will need a domain and a host for production. OP doesn't seem to be at that point yet though.


Your comment is uneducated and I suggest you read the entire thing proficiently before making a comment next time.

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xSwers 0 Reputation


@Alternate ups my bad. Youre right. I thought he wanted to make a public key system.

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we are dead



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You can go ahead and take a look at a open source project I made a while back,


It isn't exactly what you are looking for but same concept. To do a 24 hr key system, you will need to make checks such as stated above by xSwers. You also should probably make the Luau script more secure, I just implemented basic security protocols on it. I do not know if this is still outdated, but worth a shot to look at!


Good luck, oooooooooo.

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Panda Development Team


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Hi, We can host key system for your Hub Just contact us (ItzSkieHackerYT#0915) or ( and ping us lol



[+] Linkvertise / / ShrinkEarn / ClicksEarn as your choosing revenue

[+] Checkpoint 

[+] HWID-based Key System ( Support Mobile Too )

[+] You can set ur key system from 1 Hour up to 99 Hours!

[+] With DashBoard



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