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Now that the "CW" on me is sorted, what other problems do y'all have with me

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I know for a fact many people made GC's just for the reason of pissing me off and its starting to really annoy me because I got nothing else left to do in this community other than work for my boss

- If its anything about ego, i will simply ignore it, yes I do have ego and I *deserve* it in a way, its my personality and im obviously not a willyhead to everyone here
- If its anything about Misako, its simply deprecated and now I work under someone else


and also those dudes that neg repped me
your reason is not a valid reason and believe me all your efforts to think of an actual reason to give me a valid -rep is going down to flush

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you misunderstood me, i stated that group chats are being made just to talk behind my back, they *dont* add me in those GC's.

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I do not think simply stating that I have ego is a valid reason.

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I see you're back here. 

Welcome back. 

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youre one of the people i highly dislike

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that is still not a valid reason for a -rep

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another thing is that, my ego never got in the way of "teamwork"
whoever made something right in Misako team, i would praise them for it

seizure salad made great progress on monaco:
- sadly it never worked in the client

hiro made great progress on ui:
- sadly it was never finished and everything about it was so messy

bogie made so many things for DLL:
- of course there were also times where I just had to scold him, because he was being lazy

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the problems i have with you is you need to grow up and dont get pissed over small things

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@59576 The UI was finished. The basic backend was done. The only thing wasn't finshed were execute and attach and auto attach. And UI was made to your specification and perfections not mine. Everything was made to please you not me and nothing about it was messy as everything was made as intend.

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@59576 lmao for the dumbest reason ever

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I also tried to clear things up with you but no your giant ego just couldn't handle being a called a skid as a joke and I even clearly stated to you that I was joking. 

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you're extremely aggressive at first contact, hold grudges forever, can't take criticism or help properly, you're just generally childish and impossible to talk to. I once gave you some criticism on your code and you essentially told me to "stfu", you just get angry unprovoked and acknowledge it yet do nothing about it. you have no will to change, I haven't seen your ego I just know you're the most immature person ever.

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yeah that's one of his common behaviors, he has no sense of humor and thats why hes such a unlikeable person, he will take everything to heart, argue with you, and then hold the same grudge for eternity :facepalm: he never grew out of his kid phase.

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bro what do you know about "kid phase" ??? I can tell youve never gotten out of it because you don't know the difference between real life and internet life

you are 14 and you've been going on about how you'd beat up literal grown men in streets with your arms that are thin as a stick, even if you do "jiu jitsu" youre still fragile and wouldnt be able to hold out even against a guy that doesnt know how to fight

(edit: i'll also not forget about how you took a screenshot of you asking another girl if her "menstrual cycle" has kicked in or not, that is a really awkward thing to ask to another girl, friend or not. And asking it in a rude manner? even worse.


that aside, you also love involving yourself into peoples things the way they get something working. In a v3rm thread; you literally went on and criticized the way he coded (for not using auto, simply put) instead of helping him with what he needed help with


all you do is just watch your grown ups do stuff and research 24/7 to make your things 0.1ms faster at max

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okay but who are you to even begin with? ive never had any interactions with you

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