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[Q] What OS should I use?

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So I have a laptop, and I am pretty bored of Windows 10 / 11. I wanted to experience something new, such as Mint Linux. I use it right now as I type this thread. However, it's not as good as I thought, and has some weird performance issues. I have some other three OSes I wanna try before going back to Windows 10:

1. Arch Linux

2. Manjaro Linux

3. EndeavourOS


I'm trying to look for OSes under terms of performance, and gaming. Most of you will probably say "Linux isn't built for gaming or Roblox!" However, I don't really play much Roblox anymore. I mostly play games like CS:GO, Apex Legends and Garry's Mod when I am bored. So, what other OSes do you recommend? I accept and appreciate any answers. Also, happy new year!

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kubuntu or kde neon

kde is best

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personally, i like manjaro

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@Jisll I tried installing it. After reboot, only GNU GRUB appears. No OS is installed - most likely it erased my entire disk and I can't boot into any OS, and I can't enter BIOS.

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Both Arch and Endeavour are safe choices, but Arch has become very easy to install, so unless you are paranoid about getting things wrong, you should choose Arch over Endeavour (which is based on Arch anyway).

Nowadays Manjaro is a distribution to avoid, it doesn't have any real advantage over Arch and it's developers have a very bad trackrecord in terms of competence when it comes to SSL certifications for example. It also very far from Arch compared to Endeavour.

When I moved on to Arch-based distributions (after using Kubuntu), I used Endeavour first and then Arch. I have tried using Manjaro before Arch but there were errors in the installer that were too hard for me to fix back then. 

I saw people recommending KDE Neon and Kubuntu, Kubuntu is actually really nice but isn't ideal for someone who wants the latest software without having to add separate repositories to download software from. KDE Neon is basically Ubuntu with the latest KDE repositories, I don't see why anyone would be using this as a dailydriver. 

So my order of recommendation would be:
1. Arch Linux
2. Endeavour OS

I wouldn't recommend anything that isn't Arch Linux based as Rolling Release is better for gaming in my experience.
Linux in general works with Roblox now if you want to play it again for some reason, and Byfron themselves said there would be no issue with Gaming on Linux, so that's not gonna be a problem.

Also, Arch based distributions are very stable for desktop use contrary to popular belief, my system never broke since I reinstalled it and I've had more issues with Ubuntu and it's derivatives. It's also very quick to setup now, you won't be spending all day long on it, unless you want to ofc. 

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perhaps could use kde on arch linux

i love kde

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@Wabz Endeavour almost broke my PC. I'm traumatized after this, so we can say this thread is locked lmao

As for Arch, I'm using it as a little home VPS. However I'm still stuck on installation, cause I can't connect to internet (the pc doesn't have a wifi adapter) and there's issues with the keyring or something.

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@Wabz wabbery creme apple pie wabz? THATS CRAZY HES BACK

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rice cracker


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always arch linux (assuming if you know how to install it)

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@67078if youre traumatized after failing to install linux then safe to say, youll be better off using windows LMAO

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@67078also, arch is not fit to be ran on a vps. use ubuntu

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@RiceUsesArchBtw I think  it had a profile (when running archinstall command) titled "server", so I guess it works :shrug: As for Ubuntu, I agree it's cool but less lightweight 

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rice cracker


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@67078arch would be the last thing that comes to mind if youre looking for a lightweight distro. it's minimal, sure but NOT lightweight.


and ubuntu server is optimized for server so it is more lightweight than the traditional desktop version 

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Windows 10 Or Dualboot Because Windows 11 Sucks And Is Out Of The Question

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Big Big Smart Smart Pro Pro DeveWoper

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@HexxarDev I agree. It has lots of bloatware, and is pretty much unusable, it uses too much resources.

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