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I need serious help.

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So, I recently have issues with contacting my girlfriend. A few of you know about her, so here's a little about her.

She's 13 years old and she has mental issues. She has depression, little "issues" with her family, and some people told her very very bad things, such as "I'd like to f*** you in the back of my car and choke you while doing that" (that's literally what someone said that - it's barely going through my throat saying that...). That is horrible. I told her to contact the police and her parents, no reply. After half an hour I messaged her again if she was okay. She said yes. We haven't talked for two weeks, because I was sick and I sort of "forgot" about her (not in any wrong way, I just had not have much time to talk with her). I texted her Tuesday at 7:00 AM. I didn't expect a quick answer, since she's an hour behind. After 4 hours, no replies. I texted her again. After another 3 hours, no reply. Next day, no reply. I was scared as sh**. Today, also no answer. Texted her about 5 times today, and yesterday. 14th of February she said "my mental health is just not it, I'm sorry for not texting, like, ever, I'm just so tired", and in some sort of joke "killing myself". So I tried cheering her up. She replied: "no, honestly, some things that people have been saying to me man" (as mentioned before).


I don't have any idea what to do. What if she did commit su*cide? If she didn't why could she be not texting me? Please help me.

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Difficult situation, id say visit her in person instead of texting her

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@Nikkk, now I believe 3/4 of the responses will hate on me but we met online and stayed online. But I planned to meet her in a month. I don't know...

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@atariXD, yes, we are.

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@VoidableMethod,Well, if you only know her online you might never find out ig? But id say give her some time she might just be mad at you because you didnt talk to her for 2 weeks. Anyway stay strong king

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@Nikkk, yes, that might be possible, however she sometimes could not talk to me for 2 weeks too, I'm mostly the one that texts first. Thank you.

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@VoidableMethod,I guess the only Thing you can do now is wait

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@atariXD, thanks king, I'll try that.

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Atom Owner, coming soon!


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Hmm, tbh i dont know what i would do (for 2 reasons mainly) first reason, i never had a girlfriend, and secondly, i never dealt with this kind of situation as good. I would try to explain to her if she does wanna commit suicide, explain to her why suicide is not worth it, AT ALL!, say something like "Listen suicide is not the answer! God created everyone, he wanted you to live, not to commit suicide and make him angry, listen your life could get better! :)" or smth idk but thats my advice ig XD

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Very confusing situation, although It's very important to not jump to conclusions, and not let your anxiousness and overthinking get to you. Like others said, keep checking up, try to get an adult into the situation. If I'm not mistaken, and this is a completely online situation, there could be a chance she's just not using Discord for the time being.

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@Moon, the fact is I texted her on the phone (to her phone number), so I don't know what's the reason.

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@RealNickk, here's also a little of backstory - her parents didnt really like her having a boyfriend. Not saying she's a lesbian or her parents would want that, I can't tell the good reason for it either. I have no contact to either her family, but I'll try finding a contact through FB I guess.

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I need updates

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@Nikkk, Thanks for asking - well, it's terrible. Her condition is bad. Very late replies, she says everything hurts her, and some people say very very bad things to her. I'm gonna talk to her after school to call, and I'll keep you updated if anything happens. Thank you again for asking.


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@boyke, read above .

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