Try your best in life, if you try hard enough, and believe in yourself, you can accomplish anything in your life!

Activity Feed
Created a new thread : Im out. Goodbye (We saw this coming lmao)
So I decided to leave Roblox exploiting, and game hacking in general! Why? Cause Ill be honest, I don't know what in the actual hell I'm doing, and how to reverse Hyperion, and plus this was fun at first, now its boring, So I'm leaving for now so I can learn this properly, and do software development properly. I wanna thank everyone for helping me out,and everyone who were supportive of me and actually had hope in me, and to the haters, screw you, lol. Anyways, thats it, I hope yall enjoyed the long episode of me being in exploiting community, and im out, lol. Tbh I'm leaving game hacking in general and focusing on software development.
(Btw, thanks to everyone for everything, yall are the best! :) :D)
Commented to thread : Should i be allowed on WRD for a month?
No bruh! You've caused enough drama as it is!
Replied to thread : What linux distro is better?
Bro, just hackintosh! (Jk) but fr i perfer Ubuntu for simplicity, kali for hacking, debian for stability, and arch for customization.
Commented to thread : Atom is being discontinued... Well for now.
I mean that is a true point immune :joy:
Created a new thread : Atom is being discontinued... Well for now.
So you heard that right folks, atom is being discontinued, for now!
So im discontinuing atom because tbh i havent been really learning much, and i honestly just not getting anywhere with development, so ima do the right thing, learn properly, start off on an easier game, then once i get back on my feet, ill reattempt atom.
Now just because atom is being discontinued doesnt mean ill not be on the forum anymore, no im still gon post lmao, i will post updates in the Atom discord server about where im going with development and news that may occur with Atom.
Anyways, mtyler1 out.
Created a new thread : Coming out on WeAreDevs!
Hey WRD, mtyler1 here, back with another thread! Today, im officially announcing that, I am gay (jk) but fr im announcing that im bissXual! (I totally didnt dare that something would work and if it didnt i would come out on WeAreDevs!) But yeah its official!
(Btw, Joe Is God is the best! :D)
Replied to thread : CW | emiray & ishanjit - logging passwords & discord tokens, DDOS-ing people, attacking WRD
Man did it again! (Not surprised)
Commented to thread : renouncing my faith
Mk, btw I read the thread, but there's nothing to be afraid of when being gay, we all have our pride! :)
Commented to thread : [CW] 3MI/Emiray Alting
HAH WHAT?! LMFAOOOOOO XD ! Nah, he has not changed one bit! He ddosed WeAreDevs many times! He don't deserve no second chance!