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[RELEASE] Program Customizer | Customize your program within a web page in real time.


Formally known as Shade


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Joined: Jun, 2020

Reputation: 44


Hello, ok so I'm gonna be real I was gonna use this for projects like FALCON. WHICH was a new and upcoming project of mine to replace Utility but I've come to the conclusion I just don't have the time especially now that I'm in the middle of my GCSEs and mocks starting next week but yeah. The reason I've labeled this more of a "Program Customizer" rather than it being an "Exploit Customizer" is because I wanna move my GitHub further away from ROBLOX as a whole and appear more professional and unique as a whole but as you can clearly see in the example I've used, Synapse X is used as the chosen program to customize. Only for demonstration purposes.


Other than that, that's really it. I've linked the repo for anyone who wants to use this for their projects or just to play with it. This has potential for big stream exploits like Script-Ware especially if they do even see this and consider it.


Also a side note: this is my "first" time programming with HTML, CSS, and JS as in using it in a full project.



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Nice job! Seems interesting.

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Random quote here...


Owner of Xenon [BETA]


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vouch cool thread

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professional exploiter



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Joined: Jul, 2021

Reputation: 28


Honestly, I kind of like this idea. It is very simple and all, I love how easy it is to customise it as well. Great job :)

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Ty for rep: Swiney, Byoke, Lion, Locust, Waves, Weeb, Nickk, darkn, Atari, CubeFaces, Lux14, Rice, Delta, Syraxes, Aeon, Jordan, Pluto, and Hiroku!

P.S, I like cats better too!


Formally known as Shade


Posts: 1044

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Joined: Jun, 2020

Reputation: 44


bump cause i moved to html loolllll

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Joined: Apr, 2020

Reputation: 34


Looks nice, but can't this be built into the program locally instead online? Otherwise nice, especially if an exploit can allow immediate string transmission between the website and exploit, to make the setting change immediate instead of having to download the json file and inputing it to the program. But very nice idea.


eb_ 44 Reputation


I had this idea where normally u would go to the website and download the exploit but with this u could have this little intro or like customization just for u where before downloading the exploit u just play around with the settings and download the exploit with the json file and everything would be prepared to your liking.

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TERIHAX 30 Reputation


@eb_ ah i thought it was like some synapse custom colors ui thing

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eb_ 44 Reputation


@TERIHAX well you can I only used the synapse ui as a template for it cause the build of it is very simple and i cba to make up my own

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TERIHAX 30 Reputation


@eb_ this could be useful but "modern" exploits will probably have this customisation thing in the exploit itself, instead of doing this with the json from the site

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eb_ 44 Reputation


@TERIHAX but if you could read what i replied to JalapenoGuy maybe you would understand what else you could do with it

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modifying a ui and calling it yours does mean it's your ui.

- JalapenoGuy

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