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[Brutal Opinion] Executer UI

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First time ever doing stuff on C# language and winforms so if i could steal few minutes of your time i would like your opinion about the UI the stuff you dont like and you like or any suggestions.

Thank you.

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brutal opinion: i need to clean my brain after seeing this 0/10


actual opinion: not the worst ive seen for a first time ui. doesnt seem too skidded either from youtube tutorials but you need to get some better icons and switch to wpf cuz it has better rendering than winforms and is just a lot faster and easier to do things with, it may seem hard at first because you have to do a lot of things in xaml instead of a designer but it has much better support for animations and other things also dont use gradients that start or end with black, they just dont look good and fix the close/minimize button z index so that it doesnt get affected by the gradient 4/10

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Brutal opinion: stop it, go get some wpf knoledge

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Brutal opinion? It's pretty bad, but props to you for actually asking nicely.

Here are the issues in my opinion:


1) The colour scheme is off, colours are too heavy and there's too much contrast

2) The icons don't look really good and their positioning/sizing isn't consistent

3) Close and minimise are not centered in terms of height compared to the window's top

4) The textbox is way too tall (and as a result the whole ui is), along with it being fastcoloredtextbox


In my opinion, you should entirely scrap this UI and make a new one, keeping in mind the issues I pointed out above (and any other issues others might point out). Another important recommendation is to switch to WPF instead of WinForms, as it's much better for UI design.


One thing worth noting is that this is actually sort of creative for being a first attempt at an UI, I'd say overall it's a 5/10.

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Brutal opinion: please stop

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Brutal opinion: pretty good for a first timer but the gui colors are a bit off putting to me

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Brutal opinion: 0/10 "Anyone got a plane that doesnt have a parachute??"

Honest opinion: 4/10 You could do a lot better especially with WinForms, + The icons just dont look nice in my opinion.

But hey, not the worst i've seen for first UI's. I've 100% seen way worse.


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@Whoman hey >:( I use winforms!!!! I like winfawrm! Also API thing might be skidded.

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I'd say for first UI it's alright. Erm 6/10.


Edit: i thought about this. although the functions may (or may not be good) the ui, is @ss. Just completely. Why did you pick the colors like that? if your gonna do a gradient, stick with it, or at least match the colors. I'd say go with white OR remove the gradiant, and still go with white for the accents. Brutally honest, 2.2/10


My friends honest rating of seeing this ui.

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you need better icons and get better 1/10

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you gotta admit that winforms is just worse than wpf lol

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Did I mention I use arch btw?


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@Whoman i know but people can create good ui with winforms too

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true but it just takes much much longer

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i fell asleep while looking at this

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@Whoman Yeah. But with enough work they can look nice.

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