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mrk0 (mark)

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Joined: May, 2022

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Learning (very slowly) C++ and Java, along with Roblox Lua




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Replied to thread : General game hacking section.

vouch, very good suggestion from a very based man

Replied to thread : [CW] myself | skidding | apology

i agree with deep


also cw on yourself, that's a new one

Replied to thread : Learning C# for WPF


my guy, it's the same C#, the only difference is WPF also has XAML for the UI

C# for the backend of the UI, XAML for the UI's design

Replied to thread : [CW]: iMaximus Scamming

5 months delay and you still got nothing, that's a bruh moment 

Replied to thread : [Brutal Opinion] Executer UI

Brutal opinion? It's pretty bad, but props to you for actually asking nicely.

Here are the issues in my opinion:


1) The colour scheme is off, colours are too heavy and there's too much contrast

2) The icons don't look really good and their positioning/sizing isn't consistent

3) Close and minimise are not centered in terms of height compared to the window's top

4) The textbox is way too tall (and as a result the whole ui is), along with it being fastcoloredtextbox


In my opinion, you should entirely scrap this UI and make a new one, keeping in mind the issues I pointed out above (and any other issues others might point out). Another important recommendation is to switch to WPF instead of WinForms, as it's much better for UI design.


One thing worth noting is that this is actually sort of creative for being a first attempt at an UI, I'd say overall it's a 5/10.

Replied to thread : [REL] WRD FISH Theme

Using it right now, very nice job it looks great!

Replied to thread : What are your 3 favorite songs?

Overpade, Marika Sage - ryoach ! (freestyle killa) [along with a whole load of similar songs]

Cibo Matto - Spoon

Kordhell - LAND OF FIRE


After Dark by Mr. Kitty is a honourable mention lol


Replied to thread : guys who do you think is best? JJsploit or krnl?


It has firesignal but no firetouchinterest/clickdetector, unless they were added recently (this screenshot is from August)


Replied to thread : Rest in piece (soon) Roblox exploiting

The important thing is to be optimistic like Nick said (my guy, you and DeepPain (and Immune) are some of the best people on this forum ong, absolutely based points of view).

edit: usermode moment lol

Replied to thread : guys who do you think is best? JJsploit or krnl?


my most sincere apologies - jjsploit is truly the best!

Replied to thread : UI Feedback

This looks pretty good

Replied to thread : [Question] Which one of these two GPUs should I buy for gaming + editing


i do not see any "almost" here unless i need new glasses or something

either way why are you complaining to me only lol, shouldn't you tell this to everyone else who suggested the 970 too?

Replied to thread : [Question] Which one of these two GPUs should I buy for gaming + editing


"I think RX 570 has VRAM which 970 dosent."

No, every single GPU has VRAM, it stands for Video RAM. A GPU without VRAM wouldn't even run, as the VRAM is where image data (or more simply put the pixels to be drawn) is stored for it to be rendered on screen.


The GTX 970 might be older, but it does perform a bit better.

Edit: had a quick look at benchmarks on YouTube, and it seems the RX 570 does actually outperform the GTX 970, despite what userbenchmark says. The 970 tends to suffer a bit once you have a high memory load (beyond 3.5GB).

Replied to thread : guys who do you think is best? JJsploit or krnl?

It depends on what you're looking for.

If you want an executor that will inject immediately, with no key system hassle, and that can run scripts that don't require functions such as firetouchinterest/fireclickdetector then JJSploit.

If you want an executor that's more stable and has a wider custom function support, including a decompiler and saveinstance, albeit with the hassle of a 5 step key system, then KRNL.