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[CW] Mrk0 - lying & making false pedo accusations

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Mark's CW:

Mark's profile:


Hello guys it is me, SirWeeb. Writing down my response to the recent CW made on me and Yeemi.


Let's start off with the accusations of Yeemi being a pedophile. Unfortunately for Mark, I have found the person behind the blurred screenshots and I have acquired proof of Mark abusing the context of these screenshots to make Yeemi look like a pedophile.

Here is an image of Zer0 himself, her ex vouching that he was 16 when they dated & not 13.


The reason the chapters are there is cause I was planning to write some text about each chapter and then post it but then I stopped for a bit and during my "break" I acquired the proof. Feel free to read them as they're still valid claims.


Chapter 1: The beginning (my side)

Back in June, I had just gotten my heart broken by the same girl twice, let's call her M. M cheated on me and after I found out, I did something stupid and got back to her, M decided I still wasn't worth anything and she did it again with 2 guys this time. She was basically dating 3 guys at once. Once I found out about this I left her and became extremely sad for a bit which I'm not used to since I'm generally a happy person & seeing me sad is uncommon. In response to being sad I started venting/ranting everywhere I had the chance to which was also included in my personal messages with Yeemi, she made me feel better and distracted me from the sadness that was within me due to getting cheated on twice. One of the ways she did this was by almost constantly talking to me or doing stuff with me which over time resulted in me catching feelings (even if it sounds extremely down bad). Fast forward a bit and this is when I'm playing bedwars with Yeemi and Mark, all 3 of us were in a party playing on Hypixel. Mark notices both of us stop moving in-game every once in a while and tells us to stop s*xting.

This resulted in Mark's heart getting a little broken(?) since he liked her a lot back then and him pissing off Yeemi by saying he did make a move which eventually pisses off Yeemi resulting in her blocking him. Keep in mind this is everything I saw in the GC. He showed her his "move" in DMs.


In response to him getting blocked, he tried everything to bypass this block and get into contact again. DMing me constantly, arguing with me, telling me to tell her to unblock him, attempting to manipulating me, and so on... He even sent other people after me to find out what was going on which ended up in me having to threaten him and saying I was going to tell Yeemi to keep him blocked forever if he doesn't stop all the nonsense.


Chapter 2: "My slow change in personality"

I am not going to deny this, I did indeed change in personality but is that really on me if you look at the screenshots from chapter one? Can you really blame me for wanting to protect my relationship & blocking off communication between Mark & Yeemi anywhere I could? The only reason he was allowed back into Novaline is because Yeemi had to take a break from the relationship for a reason I won't be posting publicly, during this time I once again felt pretty sad and talked to anyone I could cause I felt like it'd help me process what happened. One of these people included Mark which was a very stupid decision on my end, but since he used to be close to her I thought it'd help me process it I guess. Fast forward a bit and he does indeed get promoted to head-admin in my server. At this stage, Yeemi kept joining and leaving my server a few times due to her generally disliking the exploiting community and all the drama we had in the past related to Mark already even before this CW. I took everything towards her really seriously as I felt like this is needed to protect my relationship & due to me taking everything really literally no matter what you say. This is just how my brain experieces stuff and I can't change that. I did indeed kick Blinx (a head-admin who made a joke about Yeemi's mutism) because I don't feel like she should be joking about Yeemi's "disabilities" behind her back and so I got pissed and the best response I had was to kick her and give her roles back later that day which I eventually did later that day. 


Chapter 3: The "Mark" incident:

Yeemi did indeed decide to join under a new account called RagingRegion. I denied it was her for a while because I thought she didn't want anyone to know since why else would she want to use a new account? In this part of the CW, Mark brings up the part which made him frustrated, Yeemi saying he can't play UNO with her and that she'll never invite him to play sot with her both of this cause once again, the past we had with Mark & his drama (see chapter 1). Which he for some reason finds a valid reason to abuse his permissions and set her nickname to wh*re and a pile of shi*t as well as timing her out multiple times. Of course, when I noticed this I immediately took his roles, I don't know why you would expect me to do something different. You can see this in the screenshot below, I was still denying it was her due to me thinking she didn't want anyone to know, but while this was happening I asked her if I can tell them to which she replied and told me I could, that's why I didn't deny it in the messages after that.

The day after I did indeed ban Mark from my server because I was still pissed at him for acting that way toward her and still hated it when they talked to each other in my server (see chapter 1, again). At the end of the day, it is still my server so I get to decide who talks there and who doesn't how abusive it may sound. You wouldn't need anyone's permission to ban someone you heavily dislike from your server either right? Or are you gonna write down an essay for it first?


Chapter 4: After the "Mark" incident:

The reason I told people that the reason I banned Mark is irrelevant info is that I didn't feel like explaining the stuff from chapter 1 publicly, I don't think you'd want to if you were in my place either would you? And so I took the easiest way out of that question and told them it was irrelevant information. People were fighting Yeemi over her not using "your/you're" correctly and when she tried to explain to people why she cannot understand it they just kept going on about it which literally has no use. The reason I banned Blinx (the other head-admin) from my server is that she would also keep going on about it to Yeemi, spamming it while spam-pinging her, even after I asked her to stop multiple times which resulted in me getting annoyed and banning her.


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mark is mark rutte from now on :troll:

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damn, das crazy

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ily sirgay, <3 3 3 3 3 3 33 3 3 3 3 god coutner

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@87461search up swag crasher on google also dont get off topic please :D

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damn, he got us on the first half

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This is why you don't take discord screenshots as 'evidence' unless you see persons discord user/tag in SS to confirm it's said user and wait to come to a conclusion until all facts come into play. It's way to easy to fake discord screenshots and people use them to their stories advantage. Until you know all the details around the ages of said users don't assume pedophilia until then. Same problem you see with me and those good old 'anti sirhurt gang' users who preach the pedo word against me on here. In reality they couldn't even tell you my age at the time even if they tried, they took one look at screenshots in the video and went straight to the P word claim since that's what the poster claimed, never elaborated on our ages. After all, your only a pedo if the age gap between A and B are X years. It really makes the whole situation and 'ice p word' believers halarious since they lack the one key element needed to be known that decides the entire legitimacy of their claim. If you're wondering, that age gap was 3 years.

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@pierre_spook this, this is 100% straight facts but people judge quick without other people their story('s) even if its real even if its fake and in this case fake

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my balls hurt

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nice to see you back.

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@bennytrt Facts indeed, the sad thing is this appears to be a repeat pattern for roblox exploiting communities. All it seems to take to make someone a pedophile these days apparently is a SS of somebody flirting with someone on discord. Doesn't matter how old the people are apparently.  Still doesn't matter if one party is legally underage for pedophilia, the diagnosis is only made for a specific age range or age gap. A person whos 18/19 dating someone whos 16 does not equal pedophilia and this is quite common, lots of people talk about those kinds of high school relationships. Don't believe me? Get out and get a job and get to know your co workers. Makes me laugh whenever I see that pedohurt anti-sirhurt gang siggies or people using the p word to describe me since each time I see it tells me all I need about the person: they have absolutely zero brains and absolutely zero need to verify or gather information. Kinda reminds me of a bunch of conspiracy theorists ranting about nonsense; give them a sprinkle of fake evidence / or real taken out-of-context SS with a sprinkle of the good old 'p word' or whatever story or juicy motive you want to spin with and provide virtually zero other details or evidence they'll all eat it up like it's a holy grail. By the way I just described the entire IcePools SirHurt pedophilia CW in perfect detail; posting a video with out-of-context screenshots, no ages of both parties nor any other important evidence, and a crazy claim for those conspiracy theorists to eat up (and of course a person with motive alongside a dab of high reputation on site)

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@Astronemi on god bro, mark is malding rn

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can you get the hell out of this community already? nobody cares about you and your stupid exploit

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@pierre_spook This guy smh can you leave already

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