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Stop giving ishan attention


stop take my rice


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Joined: Mar, 2022

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I understand he's doing bad things, I understand he's token logging and "hAcKiNg" and whatever other nonsense, but the more attention you give him the more valid he feels. Every single time a new CW is made on him, or someone brings him up, or someone talks about him as if he's an actual threat (because he is epic open source ddos hacker), you guys make him feel as if he's an enemy/threat and respected as such. If everyone just ignores him and gets over him, he'll get over himself as well.


His own actions will catch up to him eventually. Let him be him, and you worry about your own things rather than what he's doing.


Reason I bring this up is because somehow he's still talked about in this community and I thought we were over him after the gummy wars

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we are dead

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Bruh this thread just gave him more attention. Plus I'll take your rice.

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modifying a ui and calling it yours does mean it's your ui.

- JalapenoGuy

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What the user said above me... you're goofy

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Discord : Doctor Doom#0550

Posts: 360

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goofiest person on wrd


where the f*ck is the dislike button on this post. this post makes 0 sense

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Exploits i own:

Script-Ware (Down rn) Electron (UWP) Shadow (UWP)

i dont use verm that much so dont contact me there

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