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Beginning my road with C++ and Reverse Engineering

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I'd like to announce that I am beginning my road with C++. Currently I have some sort of school that teaches me the basics (and, in the future, advanced) of C++, so I don't think I need any websites to learn from. Now, my question is - since Roblox's anti-cheat recently got better, how do I get a single address? Can be the print address. I have tried to find an xref of the function, but no results. Have I done something wrong? (generated lists of strings -> searched "Video recording started" -> found the function -> clicked X and no results.) If so, could someone explain step by step, and the basics of a Roblox's DLL?


Thank you and have a wonderful day / evening!

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me too /chars

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@intristic_roast, yes, I could use your help if possible, please. 

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@VoidableMethod, Good luck on your journey

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why do people wanna learn Rust the video game im confused

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@intristic_roast, do you have Discord by any chance?

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@atariXD, Through extensive experimentation with the Rust programming language, I have determined that surreptitiously embedding illicit functionality within a legitimate program is not advisable. However, crafting an entirely separate unscrupulous application in Rust operates sublimely and without issue.

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Here's my suggestion: Learn C and OSDev on UNIX-like systems, and then switch back to windows, and making cheats will be ALOT more easier. Also, remember that you only need knowledge of C to be able to make cheats, heck you can even write cheats in your CPU architecture's assembly, but just make sure that you learn C first, as it's the minimum needed to be able to start making cheats...


lilbiden69 3 Reputation


First thing that shows up when you google "how to make a kernel driver cheat":
How to make Kernel Cheat | Part 1: Driver (Python/C++)

Apparently the driver is written in C++ and the cheat interface is written in python.

It would be possible anyways, because there are ways to communicate with a cheat interface as a driver regardless of what programming language it is written in.

One example is using ioctl, although I've never experimented this, because I don't have the resources to currently do this successfully and safely (writing kernel modules can cause BSOD if not programmed perfectly, and if it's really buggy it can even void the entire NT kernel's functionality).

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Contribute to Express, an open-source ROBLOX exploit written fully in C.

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Writing Compelling Villains Compelling villains can add depth and complexity to a story, providing a foil for the protagonist and challenging their beliefs and motivations. Writers should consider their villain's backstory, motivations, and personality traits, and use these to create a well-developed and memorable character.

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