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NEW Exploit/Update [V1.03 Kronos] Amazing UI | No Key Sys | Huge Script Hub | (403 Error) FIX!
Welcome to Kronos
Update V1.03
Coming with V1.03 is a completely Re-designed script hub getting ride of pages and instead also adding in a search bar making it much more user friendly with more scripts added. As well as many minor tweaks to the ui to make it just that much more appealing along with a border around the edge. I have also completly resized the entire ui to make it more appealing to the eye by making the ui have an aspect ratio of 16:9.
I have also implimented a (403 Error code) Fix into Kronos with a much faster startup time also.
(Other Features)
(403 Error Code) FIX
Huge Script hub featuring 35+ scripts
Custom Tab System
Loadstring support
Synapse xen support
Auto Inject
Using Wrd Api
Very Hot UI
Updates every other day
Extremely user friendly
Automatic updates with Bootstrapper
Nice Website
No obfuscation/confuser because using wrd api
Can't forget the awsome discord community!
Kronos was an exploit that was orignally realeased back in 2020 where it died off early 2021,
Ive decied to revamp everything and bring back Kronos and let me tell you...
Kronos is back better then ever before!
nltr | Xaml & C# Developer | Former Fluxus Administrator
💜 Developer of Kronos 💜
Senior Dev of Orbit
Did I mention I use arch btw?
nltr | Xaml & C# Developer | Former Fluxus Administrator
💜 Developer of Kronos 💜
Senior Dev of Orbit
Did I mention I use arch btw?
nltr | Xaml & C# Developer | Former Fluxus Administrator
💜 Developer of Kronos 💜
Senior Dev of Orbit
6.5/10 exploit, ui is alright but not completelty great or unique
@atlz578, idk I made the initial ui back in 2020 before everybody skidded off how to make an Roblox exploit YouTube vids and now everything new has there side bar menu and looks the same
nltr | Xaml & C# Developer | Former Fluxus Administrator
💜 Developer of Kronos 💜
Senior Dev of Orbit
I amma be honest I have seen the same stuff in the forum in every exploit if these exploit had feature or ui that stood out sure but like it's a basic ui and basic features like I am trying to dookie on you but I have the same stuff and don't take it personal it's just my own opinion
@Hiroku, I mean I guess but like they are all trying to achieve the same function as being a script executer so they are are mostly going to have the same features, and thats why exploits that have like music players and stuff are redundent because its a feature but it dosnt help at all when helping with what task you are trying to achieve which is hack a lego game. It really just comes down to personal preference on what someone wants to choose.
nltr | Xaml & C# Developer | Former Fluxus Administrator
💜 Developer of Kronos 💜
Senior Dev of Orbit
"Questionable intellegence, but I like the mystery" - CubeFaces
@SeizureSalad, You can literally look at my code its all not obfuscated I stole no code at all from sentinel or anyone elses executer, the only code I didnt write myself in there was the backend of the tab system which I got help from an old friend on that, and the (403 error) fix which I gave credit too. Very sad you would assume things like that ngl.
nltr | Xaml & C# Developer | Former Fluxus Administrator
💜 Developer of Kronos 💜
Senior Dev of Orbit
wow, very good UI!
nltr | Xaml & C# Developer | Former Fluxus Administrator
💜 Developer of Kronos 💜
Senior Dev of Orbit
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