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rust is sucks dont start lol

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Joined: May, 2022

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we get it, your ego is over quadrillion and most people hate you, just stop arguing now god

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Exploits i own:

Script-Ware (Down rn) Electron (UWP) Shadow (UWP)

i dont use verm that much so dont contact me there



Posts: 43

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Joined: Mar, 2022

Reputation: -7


In my humble opinion, simply claiming that Rust will lead to higher earnings does not suffice.

We ought to contemplate what employers and clients are seeking in terms of programming languages, and consider how we can meet their demands.

Where is the reasoning behind this claim?


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@ozzy5435, Rust meets the need of basically every company on earth because of its memory safety, leading to less vulnerabilites ( IF any at all, rust detects and lets you know of basically everything, and will even stop compilation to give you a detailed error on what's unsafe / could possibly happen ). Rust has basically no undefined behavior, it's only possible if you explicitly detail it to let you write undefined behavior. Just these features make it a great language for any company writing native applications, vulnerability mitigation, 10000x less error prone than a archaic language such as C and C++, better implementation of features such as bounded parametric polymorphism, dynamic dispatching and many more than we have discussed here before which make life easier for any programmer looking to write native application. The cargo package manager makes it extremely easy to integrate existing code into your own source, much easier than any currently available C++ or C "package" manager.

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Posts: 43

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Joined: Mar, 2022

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Okay but how does that get you more sales?

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Idk I just find it dumb that we can't come to the understanding that rust has its own benefits and people have different opinions and prefrences and even if rust provides something better and people don't wanna learn it cause they have their own reasoning we should leave it at that. But some people can't accept the fact that people have prefrences and rather downplay them for have different opinions then others. But hopefully this changes. I am going to lock the thread to prevent any kind of further discussion if their is any problems with what I said you can dm me or ping me in a server or if anyone here has a question for anyone else on this forum you can always pm for rust or cpp or any kind knowledge you seek. 

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