Hi, my previous account was deleted so that is why I made this account, this isn't rep evading.
Activity Feed
Commented to thread : No Wave in front page?
@Pluto_Guy I don't think it matters
Commented to thread : No Wave in front page?
I don't really need to list Wave anywhere lmao, this is purely for entertainment purposes
Replied to thread : Wave Vulnerabilities
I bet none of you would be able to write a vuln using the debug lib right now, if i say something that means i am confident enough that it is harmless, stop being a class clown
Replied to thread : Arceus X is a HUGE Scam for all exploiters and claim that it is "Safe".
Are you seriously just spamming useless posts to get our attention? What the hell is this meant to be, you found a public repository that holds files that are completely harmless (and guess what: it's open source too!)
check out my reply at: https://forum.wearedevs.net/t/35649
Replied to thread : I found some malware linked to the Arceus X Neo 1.2.6 source (Their most recent version)
huh? are you okay in the head?
first things first, our lib isn't named "libArceusX.so"
second things second the other lib files inside APK are literally the libs that Roblox uses, try to unpack the original Roblox then speak bozo
third things third, suppliers are meant to check which device one's using Arceus X NEO with, you can check our privacy policy at: https://spdmteam.com/privacy-policy
now back to moronland
Replied to thread : [RELEASE] Saturn Generation - Advanced Password Generation
Replied to thread : MobileBloxV2----A open source android 32 bit executor (updated)
If this thread doesn't get taken down the owner of this thread will be faced with DMCA.
kind regards
Replied to thread : Hydrogen Windows leaked? It's already bypassed Hyperion Anti - Tamper!
Commented to thread : Hydrogen Windows leaked? It's already bypassed Hyperion Anti - Tamper!
bro this isn't even the real ui
read my reply
read my reply
read my reply
read my reply
read my reply
read my reply
read my reply
read my reply
Replied to thread : Hydrogen Windows leaked? It's already bypassed Hyperion Anti - Tamper!
Most of the things you've listed in the thread are false
I lead develop Hydrogen Android and iOS
Replied to thread : Redacted Studio Code IDE Anouncement!!
doesnt even look like visual studio thats a minus already