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[QUESTION] Why do apisploits have a keysystem

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Dont get me wrong, im not saying that all api sploits are bad, ex: nihon, novaline, coco z, kiwi x

Sure, you might need money for some things like web hosting but some of these have some pretty long key systems


also please call me dumb for this thread, I will really appreciate it :D

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Did I mention I use arch btw?

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Probably because of the UI or just because they want money

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Did I mention I use arch btw?

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@Whoman Your a delta support i wouldnt care on what you anyways

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how are you still mad about that lol

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Did I mention I use arch btw?

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Great question. They shouldn't, but they do. It doesn't take a ton of time or effort to maintain an interface. Quite honestly, most "owners" of free stuff that use api-based modules can't code in the first place (makes me wonder why they even do it lol). I won't mention any names (for respect reasons), but I know at least one that is on the front page of WeAreDevs right now who can't code at all.

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@Reversed well look whos talking, your exploit api (shadow) was not really that good when it was on the site tbh

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@GoldenCheats What have you made? Nothing? Looks like such an accomplishment.

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his accomplishment is reaching neg rep 👍👍👍👍

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Did I mention I use arch btw?

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@Reversed Wdym "Nothing" my guy, i did make some stuf that isnt exploits and if i did do them then I did them good not like shadow being overrated, Your trying to bring myself as an example  after saying a fact that your api wasnt good when your calling other ppl who cant code

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Polish Content Creator


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I always wonder if it is better to just make a shorter keysystem and release some premium version of the exploit, for example like in fluxus
(but of course up to $ 2-3, it would still make up for the keys)

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@DareQPlaysRBX pretty sure fluxus dll is just the same thing and fluxus isnt an api sploit it has its own api


You cant really make a premium version on an api exploit cuz that woudlnt make any sense

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@GoldenCheats If you think you can make anything better than Shadow, have at it. Let's see how the few skids in this community (you being one of them) can come up with a better module than seasoned developers.

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@Reversed I never said i can code an exploit, shadow was one of the worst exploits apart from skisploit and jjsploit really it couldnt run that mutch scripts, you havent updated it in a long time as well

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@GoldenCheats You're a moron and have no clue what you're talking about. No wonder why you have negative reputation.


Shadow supported just as much as everything else on WeAreDevs (besides Krnl) when it was on this website. In your situation, it's the user having technical difficulties, not the exploit.

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