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Where to put the wearedevs c++ api's import function ?

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I made a basic hello world project in c++ and I downloaded the api,I dragged it in my builded project when I write the commands that are necessary like dll import  it gives me an error and I think that I puted it on a wrong line.Can anyone tell me more clear how to put the code.The project looks like this:



#include <iostream>

using namespace std;


int main(){

cout "Hello world";





Where should I put that dll import in this case?

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its there

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10 years ago

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I know cpp.Where should I put that dll import code?

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I think it's #import dllname.dll


might be wrong tho, haven't done c++ for a while. You should probably check on yt

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Roblox Trafficker


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[DllImport("WeAreDevs_API.cpp.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern bool LaunchExploit();

[DllImport("WeAreDevs_API.cpp.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern bool SendLuaCScript(string script);

[DllImport("WeAreDevs_API.cpp.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.Cdecl)]
public static extern bool SendLuaScript(string script);

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@RealChronics they want C/C++ code, and as people have already told OP, they should learn C/C++ and the Windows API functions (LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress if that helps)

@MINISHXP that walkthrough doesn't really work because WeAreDevs doesn't distribute the lib file to link it during compile-time, so you have to load the library manually, and get its functions pointers

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const auto module = LoadLibraryA("path_to_dll");

const auto launch_exploit  = reinterpret_cast<bool(__cdecl*)(void)>(GetProcAddress(module, "LaunchExploit"));
const auto send_luac  = reinterpret_cast<bool(__cdecl*)(const char*)>(GetProcAddress(module, "SendLuaCScript"));
const auto send_command  = reinterpret_cast<bool(__cdecl*)(const char*)>(GetProcAddress(module, "SendCommand"));
const auto send_l_lua  = reinterpret_cast<bool(__cdecl*)(const char*)>(GetProcAddress(module, "SendLimitedLuaScript")); // why
const auto send_lua = reinterpret_cast<bool(__cdecl*)(const char*)>(GetProcAddress(module, "SendLuaScript"));
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still writing arch v2

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