still writing arch v2
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Replied to thread : my aimbot and esp is being pasted and sold
Created a new thread : my aimbot and esp is being pasted and sold
title says it all
there have been "dh silent aim" pastes floating around with my esp and sometimes my aimbot in it aswell
from a buyer of one of these pastes
he even got his account banned for using the silent aim in the pasters script, lol
these are a few of the people selling my script (vault sent me these since he does dh stuff)
if you see any more pastes of my aimbot and esp report them to me (Ch0nky#9785) and i can add them to the list
dont waste your money
Replied to thread : [question] writing an rlua function (post inline)
well you could do that, but the offsets for luau source arent the same as roblox's
so you'll have to still write your own version compatible for roblox
and then u have to update it weekly so organizing ur offsets + obfuscation in one place would be a good idea
(dont take luas_hash from the lualib, trust me)
Replied to thread : Bruh help (PF Script)
shameless plug
also idk why darkhub isnt working
Replied to thread : Where to put the wearedevs c++ api's import function ?
const auto module = LoadLibraryA("path_to_dll");
const auto launch_exploit = reinterpret_cast<bool(__cdecl*)(void)>(GetProcAddress(module, "LaunchExploit"));
const auto send_luac = reinterpret_cast<bool(__cdecl*)(const char*)>(GetProcAddress(module, "SendLuaCScript"));
const auto send_command = reinterpret_cast<bool(__cdecl*)(const char*)>(GetProcAddress(module, "SendCommand"));
const auto send_l_lua = reinterpret_cast<bool(__cdecl*)(const char*)>(GetProcAddress(module, "SendLimitedLuaScript")); // why
const auto send_lua = reinterpret_cast<bool(__cdecl*)(const char*)>(GetProcAddress(module, "SendLuaScript"));
Replied to thread : Universal aimbot and esp (pf supported)
Created a new thread : Universal aimbot and esp (pf supported)
hello there
so i made this aimbot and esp
updated url, didnt work for some reason
and decided to release it
the comments in the script explain everything (if i forgot something lmk)
is there any way i can improve on this (besides game support)
thanks, enjoy
Created a new thread : next roblox update
if you havent been informed already, roblox's update (if it will even be pushed) will permanently patch all exploits for a while
it will now be alot harder to make and maintain exploits as a whole
basically what roblox did is inline a bunch of functions
what that means is this
int add(int a, int b)
return a + b;
int main()
std::cout << add(1, 1) << std::endl;
without inlining, this is what it will compile to (mostly)
with inlining, this same code would compile to this (ignoring the cout stream stuff)
int main()
std::cout << 1 + 1 << std::endl;
// as you can see add() is no longer called, and instead it runs the code inside the function without the call
// now this is a very barebones example but you get the point, no more function calling
so yeah goodluck remaking roblox functions
ignore formatting im on phone ok bai
Replied to thread : My thoughts about cws
haha sad to see you havent left this place yet
Replied to thread : shld i release my lbi
yes, but every lbi is slow compared to bytecode conversion/protoconv or anything in that nature
Created a new thread : shld i release my lbi
Replied to thread : [CW] you made me do it again rexi
exactly what deeppain said
you really tried all this stuff and it didnt work
and you dont apologise?
you are truly, truly a child
'blocked out of madness' you just couldnt handle being confronted in this way