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Replied to thread : Where to put the wearedevs c++ api's import function ?
@RealChronics they want C/C++ code, and as people have already told OP, they should learn C/C++ and the Windows API functions (LoadLibraryA and GetProcAddress if that helps)
@MINISHXP that walkthrough doesn't really work because WeAreDevs doesn't distribute the lib file to link it during compile-time, so you have to load the library manually, and get its functions pointers
Replied to thread : Cannot open source file "d3dx9.h" - No such file or directory
You need the DirectX 9 SDK, download and install it and then include and link it in your project, and don't use the directory in the program files directory or whatever, you should use the system environment variable DXSDK_DIR
<!-- for x64 replace x86 with x64 -->
Replied to thread : MouseMoveRel Doesn't Work with Negative Numbers
@63568 you're thinking of mousemoveabs, that function moves the mouse to the specified pixel in the roblox window, and 0, 0 is the top-left corner of the window, mousemoverel moves to the pixel relatively to the mouse position, I explained how negative numbers would work in the thread
Created a new thread : MouseMoveRel Doesn't Work with Negative Numbers
Apparently mousemoverel doesn't work with negative numbers (to make it move to the left or to the top)
For example, this code
mousemoverel(-100, -100)
would make it move only 1 pixel to the left and 1 pixel to the top, any idea on how I can fix this by myself or if it's an API (WeAreDevs API) bug that can be fixed?