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Needing help to remove a miner

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jjsploit is a [Bad Word] executor.

i now have a miner mining all the time and its obvious because i just use a laptop.

i need help removing the miner. i'm sure its possible

my discord is "doge#7202", contact me if you know how to get rid of this [Bad Word] miner.

[Bad Word] you jjsploit.

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JJSploit is not a miner. Not sure what you're suspicious about. If you want to delete it, you can simply just delete the folder. 

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bruh, its a miner. ever since i downloaded jjsploit my pc has gotten laggier.

its jjsploit doing this. i said i needed help removing the miner, not people telling me if its a miner or not cause

i already know it is. nice bitcoin :)

plus deleteing the files never worked anyways.

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@Ravyar It's proven not... how about you prove thats the miner? JJSploit has never been proved a miner,  its usually just angry children. 


If you do believe it's a miner, delete it and do a full virus scan, if its still slow, surprise surprise, its not JJ.

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funtimes is daddy

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@67662if you already know its a "miner" please elaborate and send a screenshot of the miner

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Your computer, your choice. Your computer getting laggier doesn't mean it's because of a bitcoin miner. Sure, it could be because of JJSploit but it doesn't necessarily mean it's because of JJSploit. What about Microsoft Word + Roblox? Those 2 combined can make a very laggy computer. Run a deep antivirus scan to fully get rid of the files.

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Bitcoin miners aren't software, if there is one he got from someplace else, it's probably not going to have a GUI, just a suspicious process in the task manager.

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Dont bypass filter

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Dont bypass filter

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deez nuts

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@Ravyar Give me one VALID source of someone saying JJsploit is an miner with proof. You are just Paranoid because everyone says it is.

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Who's Deez?



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@Ravyar let's clear things up; jjsploit was once used as a miner since there was a r.a.t. on the owners pc, so the owner released jjsploit with the code that he didnt even know existed (the btc miner), after some times people noticed, and the owner rereleased jjsploit without the miner, you thinking your pc is slow either because you are that scared of a miner, or either you put an actual miner on it, or something else (idk), the point is jjsploit is all safe now, and if im right jjsploit is a chromium based app (uses coding laugage that was used in websites like wearedevs) and because of that it takes up a lot of ram, same with discord, it's very slow and takes up lots of ram.

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@MINISHXP JJSploit never been a miner.

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modifying a ui and calling it yours does mean it's your ui.

- JalapenoGuy



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@55830once was

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@MINISHXP Never was and hopefully will never be.

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modifying a ui and calling it yours does mean it's your ui.

- JalapenoGuy

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you sure you didnt just download a bunch if things before jjsploit and thats what made your pc laggy?

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