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Replied to thread : [Release] Simple cloud
@VoidableMethod, this project was for user to upload their own scripts like pastebin but this can be uses from the exploit.
Created a new thread : [Release] Simple cloud
This project had been made for Candy v2, but the project was canceled so I decided to release it.
If I can help you with something send me message: isaacx#5657
Github (the code is a little messy)
Replied to thread : rate the ui evo
Replied to thread : [Kuda Cloud v22.0.1] - Back end is already! Update about Kuda.
@blueless yeah, if you dont have account it will generate a random id
Replied to thread : [Kuda Cloud v22.0.1] - Back end is already! Update about Kuda.
@blueless you can create an account, but it is not mandatory. We are working on profiles system.
Replied to thread : [CW] T4n_Exploits skidding
@SeizureSalad it uses .net reactor obfuscator, I deofuscated
Created a new thread : [CW] T4n_Exploits skidding
so t4n exploits make an exploit called laser sigma, as spected it is skidded.
best code ever
Replied to thread : [REL] Minecraft botting couldn't be easier with Mineflayer
oh, I thought by the type of message filter I thought you would know it was for multiple commands, but it was just an example.
Replied to thread : [REL] Minecraft botting couldn't be easier with Mineflayer
idk, that still bad
bot.on('chat', (message, username) => {
if (username == bot.username || !message.startsWith('!')) return;
const command = message.toLowerCase().slice(1);
switch (command) {
case 'givememod': {
return'/op' + username);
ignore bad format
Replied to thread : [Pre-Release] Kuda Exploit - A beautiful, simple & free Roblox exploit.
@pepsi It will have an option to do that.
And about saving money there is no problem.
Ty for the idea.