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Replied to thread : Arceus X decompiled
are u sure what ur talking about LOL thre is no code in this its just probably the ui
Replied to thread : Arceus X decompiled
are u fr bro u have to "decompile" file to get the code
Replied to thread : [Release] (almost) all the headhunter addys you need for the current update
use get_lua_state lol//...
Replied to thread : [Release] (almost) all the headhunter addys you need for the current update
offsets are the easiest part idk what ur talking abt
Created a new thread : [Release] (almost) all the headhunter addys you need for the current update
all for the current update, i dont know how to get callcheck_addy_3 if someone could help me with that that would be amazing, thanks.
rbx_getscheduler_addy: 0x11F1AF0
rbx_output_addy: __fastcall 0x21E6E0
rbx_getstate_addy: __thiscall 0x3A8EB0
rbx_pushvfstring_addy: 0x12F8A70
spawn_func_addy: __cdecl 0x3C0AB0
deserializer_func_addy: __fastcall 0x12FCB70
pushcclosure_addy: __fastcall 0x131BFB0
pushcclosure_exit_addy: 0x0131C22A
setglobal_addy: __cdecl 0x131D7C0
setglobal_exit_addy: 0x0131ED11
setglobal_patch_1_addy: 0x0131D81F
setglobal_patch_2_addy: 0x0132091B
fake_ret_addy: 0x001E92F8
callcheck_addy_1: 0x2B80D28
callcheck_addy_2: 0x00224EB9
callcheck_addy_3: ??
xor_const : 0x2BC8C30
Created a new thread : [release] roblox addresses
here are the addys they are not rebased to 0x400000 instead its rebased to 0x0
r_print: 0x34A410
r_spawn: __cdecl 0x3C0AB0
r_luau_deserialize: ??? 0x12FCB70
getdatamodel1: __thiscall 0xD89130
getdatamodel2: 0xD89EB0
get_lua_state: __thiscall 0x3A8EB0
r_lua_pushvfstring: 0x12F8A70
r_gettaskscheduler: 0x11F1AF0
r_index2adr: __fastcall 0x12F8C30
r_sandboxthread: __fastcall 0x3E45A0
do u guys want me to release how to get them?
Replied to thread : LuaU Bytecode for beginners (Custom DLL universal method)
bruh what are you even saying
Replied to thread : getsenv() implementation
ay bro i know this is old but this is how u do it
getgenv().getsenv = function(instance)
for _, v in next, getreg() do
if type(v) == "function" then
if getfenv(v).script == instance then
return getfenv(v)
Replied to thread : Should I Open-Source This UI
well how about u tell me on how i can make it better
Created a new thread : Should I Open-Source This UI
keep in mind that im not an UI designer so please give me tips in the replies if you can.
alright so I was making an UI for the fun that I might use for my exploit, this is the UI:
the text editor is ace, also has a themes function it grabs them from a json file(which is half-made) the already made one looks like this:
"main" : {
"CornerRadius": {
"LeftUpper": 15,
"RightUpper": 15,
"RightDown": 15,
"LeftDown": 15
"Background": "#",
"topBar": {
"Background": "#",
"BorderBrush": "#",
"BorderThickness": 2,
"CornerRadius": {
"LeftUpper": 8,
"RightUpper": 8,
"RightDown": 0,
"LeftDown": 0
"Logo": {
"Opacity": 0.5
"exitButton": {
"Background": "#",
"BorderBrush": "#",
"BorderThickness": 2,
"CornerRadius": {
"LeftUpper": 0,
"RightUpper": 8,
"RightDown": 0,
"LeftDown": 0
"TextLabel": {
"Content": "X",
"Foreground": "#",
"Font": "Segoe UI",
"FontWeight": "Bold",
"FontSize": 14
"minimiseButton": {
"Background": "#",
"BorderBrush": "#",
"BorderThickness": 2,
"CornerRadius": {
"LeftUpper": 0,
"RightUpper": 0,
"RightDown": 0,
"LeftDown": 0
"TextLabel": {
"Content": "—",
"Foreground": "#",
"Font": "Segoe UI",
"FontWeight": "Bold",
"FontSize": 14
"tabs": {
"executionTab": {
"Background": "#",
"BorderBrush": "#",
"BorderThickness": 2,
"CornerRadius": {
"LeftUpper": 0,
"RightUpper": 0,
"RightDown": 0,
"LeftDown": 8
"TextLabel": {
"Content": "Execution",
"Foreground": "#",
"Font": "Segoe UI Semibold",
"FontWeight": "Bold",
"FontSize": 12
"scriptList": {
the loading themes is already coded btw, should I release it?
Replied to thread : what do u think about this loader ui
i literally said in the thread that it does stuff in the background did u even read it
Created a new thread : how is this layout looking in my ui
yeah if it looks bad tell me what to change
Replied to thread : [HELP] Monaco
u probably have to change syntax highlighting idk how to do it on monaco cuz i use ace