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Release Page Submission Information & Rules
How to submit: Updated September 9, 2021
You can email your pitch to I do not discuss matters over any other platform. Not even Discord. Exceptions may be made for urgent topics. Remember, this is a pitch. Make me like it. Assume I know nothing about it or you. I want to know information like who you are and why I should trust you. How can your product benefit WeAreDevs? How does it compare with other releases currently distributed by WeAreDevs? How popular is your product and how hard are you trying to make sure it grows and stays relevant? What YouTubers/Websites have shown off your product?
If your release is unpopular, it will be very easy to reject unless the features stand out. When I say stand out, I really mean stand out. I usually only add content to the site if it will be guaranteed to bring in a lot of *new* traffic.
Rules regarding your product: Updated January 6, 2022
- The UI should have a clearly visible link button that says, "" and leads to "". The button should be somewhere on the UI that is seen by everyone on every launch. Putting it in a 5-second pop-up introduction is unacceptable since it's difficult to click. Example location:
- Do not attempt to take away traffic from WeAreDevs. Besides to expand content, we added releases to our site with hope of growing WeAreDevs. If you run a competing website or YouTube channel, this can be conflicting as you might be trying to piggy-back off of WRD's traffic. Feel free to reasonably advertise yourself, but I have no interest in sending away WeAreDevs' traffic. Certain offenses can result in the immediate takedown of your release. For example, do not lock your exploit due to an update and force users to download the update on another website. Alternatively, implement an auto-updater or have people re-download it from WeAreDevs.
- People should only be downloading your exploit; There should be no additional offers. Especially no forced downloads. The most common offense includes adding an advertised installer that asks people to install additional software. Another common offense includes key systems that force the installation of browser addons. The risk of these systems are far too risky for WeAreDevs to be liable for. We fear of possible malware, adware, or bloatware that confuses clients into downloading malware.
Specifics to users of Linkvertise: Disable the advertised installer. I do not care that the offers are optional. You may use Linvertise's Chrome addon requirement as it seems to be safe, but you will possibly receive a lowered position rather than removal.
Specifics to users of Admaven: This service is totally forbidden from WRD. It is confirmed from multiple sources that their advertisement system is unregulated in other countries. We've seen that in said unregulated regions, malware or age inappropriate content is sometimes automatically downloaded by their ad links. - Follow common sense and consider my view as the distributor of your exploit. Remember that I have a reputation to defend. Don't do anything that could hurt your or my reputation. Most of Google Adsense's policies are a very good example of what I consider family-friendly. I like to hold a slightly professional image, so please don't put lewd images or cuss too much on the exploit.
- Respect your user's privacy. Collecting unnecessary information is very shady and people naturally don't like this. If information must be collected, do so responsibly and safely.
- Do not install additional software that you did not develop. You likely do not understand how they work down to the foundation. Who knows if the very trusted VPN you wanted to include has an extra feature has some kind of data collector or Bitcoin miner.
- Do not affect the user's computer settings. For example, no VPN/proxy configuration.
- Do not change the content we agreed on other than improvements and design changes. By this, I mean do not change it into something completely irrelevant.
- Your content should be user convenient and accessible for free. WRD is a free exploits website. E.g., no forcing YouTube subscriptions to continue( is acceptable because it only asks(Not forces) for social media following. No annoying pop-ups. A freemium model should be discussed. Excessive key transitions may render an exploit unusable and invaluable.
- Do not change the *type* of content we agreed on. Improvements and design changes are welcome.
- Evasion of any kind is unacceptable. For example, forcing users to re-download your release from another website which has lower content restrictions. This would break the "taking away traffic" rule anyway.
These rules are subject to change. If I see something I don't like, I may contact you about it. The rules are not the exact same for every creator on WeAreDevs, so don't break one just because you see someone else is doing otherwise. Exceptions for certain rules are made for certain people.
Rules regarding your release information on the website
- The description must be purely informative. Do not use it as an opportunity to thank your fans or to promote your media. Do such things inside of your exploit instead.
- Keep the description professional and clean. Don't get immature. Avoid poor grammar. Don't make it look spammy with unnecessary attention grabbers like bulk caps lock.
- The description must be concise
- Do not use your description in a competitive manner. Do not compare it to other exploits in a namely fashion. E.g "Offering a better executor than X". We want a non-toxic environment.
Instead, say something like, "Offering a better executor than most exploits".
Rather than saying "#1 Lua executor", say, "Among the greatest Lua executors" - If the exploit is not marked as patched, then the exploit is expected to be operational. Do not use the description to state dates and such.
- Your content is expected to be functional. If a client, for example, can not get past the key system, you are to mark the download as hidden.
- If your exploit can't be unpatched for an extended period of time, mark it as patched.
- Do not clickbait. No lying about features and spamming caps.
Etc: (For those who are accepted) Updated December 23, 2021
- If I need to contact you, it will be via email. I usually email the address we've last communicated on. If I were to lose your email address due to it being buried under all of my other emails, I will default to emailing the address linked to your WeAreDevs account. Please try to keep your account's email address up to date.
- No one speaks for me(WeAreDevs). I usually will only contact you by I will almost never ask someone else to tell you to do something.
- Page position is usually judged by traffic in the past 30 days. In other words- You bring me traffic, I bring you traffic. If two releases are similar in popularity, other factors may include how well it integrates with WeAreDevs, professionalism, or plainly whatever has better features. It may receive a boost if I see other benefits.
- Marking your release as hidden will hide it from the release page and disables the download page. So the download page does not die in search ranking, preservation is attempted by temporarily forwarding hidden releases to JJSploit.
- Marking your release as patched will push it to the bottom of the release page. It will have a notice on top of the logo.
- Certain expectations or rules can only be voided if discussed otherwise and approved. If it appears someone else is breaking the rules, this may be why. Don't copy thinking it is an unenforced rule.
- Please try not to share accounts. The agreement was only made with the owner. Your partners may not understand the agreement. Their mistakes are yours.
- Failure to follow the rules may result in the removal of your release, removal of your release manager, or push your release further down the page.
- If your software is suspected to cause a loss of traffic for WeAreDevs, it may be removed. Keep void of forcing users to visit direct WeAreDevs competition.
- You can access your release manager by hovering over your username at the top right. Navigate to "Settings", then go to the release tab. The rest should be obvious from there.
- I will almost never give people multiple releases on site. One per party.
- If you find a bug regarding your release manager, please email me so I can fix it ASAP.
- If you have any questions, please don't be afraid to ask me anything.
- Absolutely no form of evasion.
- Understand that deals may be unique between other parties. Don't be a sheep and break rules just because someone else seemingly is. They may just have an exception with my permission. That or I simply haven't swep that part of the website yet.
also, regulate exploits to not use like 10 shrinkerns to get a key
it may be free but at wut cost e
Reputation Goal: 69
How good does a users reputation have to be to get accepted?
@50608 I look more at the reputation outside of the community. If they had a negative reputation on the forum, then that would be a con for them
Nice! Fluxus will and hopefully is exceeding your expectations as an individual.
No hate to Mostafa, he's my bro.
You have to subscribe to Mostafa to get the key in ScreamSploit.
Also, their key system doesn't work right now, and it's still free to download.
Was waiting for an official post to be made, hope this clears the air much more.
Hopefully ScreamSploit Will Be One Of Best Exploits On Site.
We Work Hard On New Updates And Such.
With New Ui That Looks x100 Better Than Old
I Will Make Sure To Read All Rulea And Not Violate Them
iMostafaExploitz hopes you have nice day!
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