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How do i get luau load in studio?

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So i'm basically trying to make a test executor on roblox studio and i can't find luau load and other addresses like task scheduler, so if someone could help me i'd apreciate it. Btw i may be new but i'm trying my best to learn and so i'd really like some guidance on methods to find addresses because some are very hard to find and the few methods i found were outdated.

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I would recommend using loadstring. It works almost the same as load but will also be better when the user inputs their text into the gui as it executes luau code in a string format.



Put this inside of a script and i would recommend adding custom functions to make it compatable with more scripts. You can add the functions code in a string format as a variable and add it onto the loadstring when the user executes their script.


local functions = [[
function customfunction()
-- add the code to your function here. duplicate this function code onto a new line if you want to create a new function.



\n is used to creates a new line inside the string so users code doesnt stay on one line with the users script using the textbox.


Replace yourtextbox name with the name of the textbox in you're gui


Now we need to add it to the execute button!


local button = script.Parent

local functions = [[
function customfunction()
-- add the code to your function here. duplicate this function code onto a new line if you want to create a new function.



Put this whole script inside execute button! Make sure its a script and not a localscript so the executor has serverside abilities!


Now you have made a simple roblox studio gui cheat. This can execute print and other functions but you may need to add more functions for support for more scripts.


HexDX_nbVKCH 0 Reputation


You misunderstood i want to make an actual internal exploit using an injector and dll(api) that will let me execute luau scripts, so like a roblox studio executor(outside of roblox studio) and i need the methods to get certain addresses like task scheduler, luau_load etc. But thank you for your reply, it made me my day to know people like you that are ready to help, are still here.

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Pluto_Guy 33 Reputation


Oh, I thought people didn't use roblox studio for making executors but I'm not sure.

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LogiSec 6 Reputation


You can't use loadstring in roblox studio -_-

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Pluto_Guy 33 Reputation


@LogiSec Yes you can. I just don't think with links.

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LogiSec 6 Reputation


@Pluto_Guy no you cannot. The amount of vulnerabilities roblox would have -_-

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The process is about the same as doing it on the client (without the packing bullcrap that they add to the client) since they use the same core engine source code. You can find it through cross references or a signature. A good place to look is the Luau source code, which can help you find potential areas where you can cross reference to find luau_load.


I'll wrap this up by saying that reverse engineering isn’t easy, and you're going to encounter incoherent code (typically making no sense because it's intended for a computer to read, not a human) that requires some patience. It can take a bit of time to dig through it all. Tools like Ghidra are great to start the reverse engineering process with Roblox Studio. It takes practice to get the hang of it, so don't get discouraged. Keep digging and refining your skills as you go. It's all about pattern recognition.

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