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LogiSec (Something Random)

Reputation: 6 [rate]

Joined: Mar, 2023

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Commented to thread : How do i get luau load in studio?

@Pluto_Guy add me on discord .jeremiahj.

Commented to thread : How do i get luau load in studio?

@Pluto_Guy no you cannot. The amount of vulnerabilities roblox would have -_-

Commented to thread : How do i get luau load in studio?

You can't use loadstring in roblox studio -_-

Replied to thread : Exploiting Sparked My Career Path

I wish you the best of luck mate. 🙏

Replied to thread : since this forum is dead, im 3MI

ngl no one even cares

Commented to thread : TomHub | Keyless Free Script Hub (5+ Games)

Karen alertttt...



Replied to thread : the final working roblox pc executor no upgrade no emulator no mobile

This is the best thing known to man kind.

Commented to thread : [RELEASE] Saturn Generation - Advanced Password Generation

@Kae Do I know you? You must have me mixed up with someone else, because I don't scam mate.

Replied to thread : [RELEASE] Saturn Generation - Advanced Password Generation

I'm not tryna hate or anything, but password generation is just not as useful.  ;-;

Replied to thread : The possible end of Roblox exploiting.

Wallpaper looks good ngl.

Replied to thread : Hydrogen Windows leaked? It's already bypassed Hyperion Anti - Tamper!

A screenshot proves nothing. Show a video

Replied to thread : Hyper Script Execution DLL for UWP ✨

Looks amazing. 9.5/10

Commented to thread : [Counter CW] Joztyns [Skid, Ego, Defamation, Hypocrite]

@ImmuneLion318, I don't mean to offend you mate. You're a smart guy, but it seems like you don't have any empathy over others. I didn't come here to argue with you mate so ima go. You can stick by your opinion. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and I respect that.