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My problem with the ROBLOX exploiting community


hot chocolate addict

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Ever since the golden age of exploiting (2013-2018) the ROBLOX exploiting community has been fundamentally flawed, we tend to call people skids for toying around with sources, even I have been guilty of doing this. We have to remember that this is one of the factors that got us in this situation, our 'classist', gatekeeping and supremacist community. 


At various points in the ROBLOX exploiting community, we came together to form great knowledgebases that educated the future generations of exploit developers (ZwFaZe, Rain, zHex). But we stopped doing that, competition drove exploit developers apart, at various points in history many exploit developers were friends but turned bitter under the influence of competition. Lets take the 'Occult Virtual Machine' for example, a breakthrough in ROBLOX execution methods, Slappy826 and Nexure (Owners of ProtoSmasher, now defunct) and other Rain members (Including people like Louka, owner of Synapse X, now defunct) would work on it together. But even then we had a classist and exclusionist community, after Louka spread the OVM source code for educational purposes, the project fell apart.


Together as a community we can strive to make great things, but at this point in time we're still divided by competition, portraying our fellow reverse engineers as the enemy when in reality it's the Hyperion development team (0xNemi, 3dsboy08 (Traitor) and Bitdancer). Right now we're staring at numerous ban waves, no executor is safe from the rampant updates Hyperion rolls out. Electron pops in and out of release, Wave is in shambles and has horrible security, Celery isn't that stable. (These are just what I've heard, I haven't tried them and can't speak from experience). Heck, even CheatBuddy isn't up to scratch anymore (To be honest he wasn't that good at developing things, out of the OG trinity (Seven, RC7 and Elysian) RC7 (CheatBuddy's original cheat) was always the worst out of them all, having numerous crashes, horrible execution time and having an atrocious GetObjects implementation (A big game could break it LOL). 


What can we do about this? We should stop bickering and start caring about the longevity of the community, we should stop calling people skids for harmless play with sources they're trying to understand and improve on for a start, the only time someone becomes a 'skid' is for when they claim the code is entirely theirs. We shouldn't gatekeep how to begin game hacking because eventually we will run out of exploit developers, we shouldn't tell people to just "Learn C++", I've been listening to people saying that my entire life and it got me nowhere for so long. It's time we forget our differences, our bitterness, our exclusivity, for the better.


I'm aware this thread alone won't reinspire people, but it's about awareness to begin anew, much more has to change if we are to change this community for the better, I really do hope that this community can change for the better.


Astronemi 38 Reputation




honk honk

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Peyton_ 23 Reputation


i love you for this post

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i like tiramisu


oh i also do c/c++ and other cool programming languages like javascript, typescript, c#, java and lua

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I agree. Everyone should skid eachothers code and i support skidders because they skid and thats a good thing! We should always treat skids with respect as their better then authentic coders. I also think we should stop been dramatic saying "roblox exploiting is over!!!!!" as it's not. People kept on saying it and made the forum dead. Let's bring back everyone to this community.


This forum is having some amazing updates like the new purple theme and the chat that fits nicely on the forum.


We should also ban people promoting their stupid f!cking forums! Forums like (a skidded v3rmillion) are taking away users from wearedevs.


Astronemi 38 Reputation


666 posts, how devious.


I believe you've missed my point entirely, it's not that we should let skids use sources and claim them as their own authentic code, but rather let them use it as learning material, let them toy around with it and explore with it, people are being called skids for simply trying to understand how a source works or how a particular method works. How do we expect people to learn if we group the future of this forum with actual trash. Nonetheless, your other points are genuine, just like the wall street crash, panic caused the crash (panic selling stocks), I believe this can also be applied to Roblox Exploiting. The rumours of Hyperion being released tanked Roblox Exploiting, less scripts being released, and more strain on exploit developers trying to mitigate the new anti tamper.



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Pluto_Guy 33 Reputation


In my personal view, i think people are allowed to skid whatever they want if their new to the game.

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test123 0 Reputation


is this a /s or /srs

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Woah we didn't order a yappucino

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ok /charssssssssssssss

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