swift founder
#Revolutionize 39xh.fjax0n_ao93dl on DISCORD
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Commented to thread : Swift Windows Release - FREE!
Ideally attach ingame. Currently our TPHandler is pisspoor and can bug out. Itll be fixed today!
Created a new thread : mom I made front page
Swift is officially on the front page! While WeAreDevs isnt viewed the same now as it was years ago, I am still honored and super excited to provide my executor through a forum used by many great developers for years! ❤
If you dont know what Swift is, its an actively worked on, level 8, 92 sUNC, custom internal executor! Free (key sys) and a lifetime adless version! ❤
Created a new thread : Swift Windows Release - FREE!
It's here!
With this comes a change I think many of you would love... Swift is **FREE** for an undetermined time!
All you need to do is download Swift in our discord server! After installed, just run it and complete our key system!
Current 92% sUNC, Luarmor Support, and custom EVERYTHING!
Decompiler soon! <3
(We are aware of a few bugs in regards to vape, crypt functions, and some more! they will be fixed within the coming days!)
If you encounter any issues our support server is also linked in our discord!
Happy exploiting!
Staff Applications are also open due to our need for support!
Replied to thread : [Cyber] Typosquatting: Danger Hidden in Plain Sight
One of the only blogs I have enjoyed taking a read over! I love the light mode -> dark mode switch by the way!
Replied to thread : [CW] Winsploit or scammersploit
This is all false. The person faking being Winsploit is most likely Tuxx. He was an owner but was banned due to doxxing Nexus42 and a staff member, Kammy. The correct discord website for Winsploit is discord.gg/winsploit . Tix Nation has no relation.
I am close friends with the developers and they are actively helping me on my own exploit path. Winsploit is not a scam and built off the back of Macsploit and Abyss Digital, a relatively trusted source.
Commented to thread : any good uwp dll dev who dont charge like 400$ monthly
exactly, unethical, but functional for free