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get money script

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game.Players.Username.leaderstats.Leaderstat.Value = 100 --Replace "Username" with your username and replace 
"Leaderstat" with the name of the currency you want and replace 100 with how much you want
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i make funny lua code

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1. This wont work because the client cannot change anything on the server, leaderstats are hosted on the server so you are just modifying the leaderstat value without it actually affecting the leaderstat value (clientsided) unless the game fully trusts the client

2. Most games have anticheats to detect these sort of stuff.

3. Since its "clientsided" you wont be able to buy something for it as its just clientsided and the server makes the purchases (unless the developer is dumb and again, fully trusts the client or renders purchases in the client)

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Roblox takes cheating and exploiting very seriously and has measures in place to detect and prevent such behavior. Engaging in cheating activities can result in consequences, including temporary or permanent bans from the platform. By the way, do you like gambling? If yes, then you should definitely try where you will find a lot of bonuses and promotions that will brighten up your game and give you an unforgettable gambling experience!


Moonzyss_ 4 Reputation


chatgpt a$$ response bruh

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This is clientsided lol and if you want a real money script for a game load up rspy to find a remote that gives cash then replicate it and make a script that loops it if you want


emilmira3 0 Reputation


most likely you wont find any as games do not have "GiveCash" remote that grants you money, only way is via making an Autofarm (automatically gain the thing from the game)


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Moonzyss_ 4 Reputation


any competent developer will not put remotes to get cash instantly or have measurements to make sure people dont exploit the remote, so probably wont work

one slightly better way is with module exploitation but thats also bad since again, developers protect those

imo metatables are easy and i guess most of the time work.

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In many online games, leaderstats are a way to track and display player statistics, such as score, currency, or other in-game accomplishments. However, it's not always just the graphics that take us to games, such as online casinos. There are all sorts of interesting strategies out there. By the way, here is information about the best online casinos with FlexePin payment was also not superfluous. If there are problems with tactics on roulette, I can help you. It's essential to remember that modifying these values on the client side won't affect the actual values on the server unless the game fully trusts the client. The server-side logic and data should be authoritative to prevent cheating.

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