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General coding discussion for the Lua language.

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Lua roblox executor android

Hyper8 -

1 465 bigstrongh1i
looking to de-obfuscate a Synapse Xen script into LUA

continuingtodie -

0 998 -No Reply-
Why does my data not save???

YoFro00 -

0 134 -No Reply-
Why does this loop?

YoFro00 -

1 415 Riderkoo12324
How do I make a client script to make the localplayer say smth in the chat and it be re...

spittingblood -

0 181 -No Reply-
Is there a good Script libary for mobile

Frroo -

0 159 -No Reply-
Infinite respawn Bug

YoFro00 -

0 156 -No Reply-
How can I move an unanchored part?

LMisters -

0 220 -No Reply-
[RELEASE] Saturn Generation - Advanced Password Generation

Moonzyss_ -

3 900 Moonzyss_
help with ContextActionService

cryo -

0 204 -No Reply-

Fenixium -

1 461 Huddy
Lua Obfuscator Release: FusGato

fusgato -

2 961 gradespire12345
get money script

Mats -

4 1521 Moonzyss_
[RELEASE] An Extremely Simple Password Generator

Moonzyss_ -

4 1214 Zayn
is it possible to deobfuscate this


2 666 Moonzyss_


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