"dont like skiddy widdy but sometimes i accidentally am"
Activity Feed
Commented to thread : When will jjsploit be fixed?
no point anymore synapse is teaming up with roblox and they were the best exploit so exploiting is basically dead
Commented to thread : When will jjsploit be fixed?
@RedhuntersVR bro what its not that hard dude unless you want gay milf on your pc use a different sploit
Replied to thread : When will jjsploit be fixed?
dawg just use a different exploit its not that hard and dont even use jjsploit.
Replied to thread : get money script
This is clientsided lol and if you want a real money script for a game load up rspy to find a remote that gives cash then replicate it and make a script that loops it if you want
Commented to thread : Rate my Winforms UI
i did spend time also yes explain your langs that you know
Commented to thread : Rate my Winforms UI
not even gonna lie with you ive always used winforms and i feel like its to late for me to switch to WPF cause of how long ive used it
Created a new thread : Rate my Winforms UI
also scripthub uses scriptblox and is very weird way to use it but im a dumbass so i just made it get the script
Replied to thread : any working executor?
Just use fiddler to bypass the UWP Upgrade message
theres a video to help you out on this