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Farewell ( insert count here )

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Joined: Aug, 2023

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I've made many of these threads with this genuinely being my last one.

There are amazing and not-so-good things that I have experienced over the last 2 years ( yes I was here earlier, you just weren't aware ), that I'm not going to go into as I want to keep this short.


My PC is in the process of being sold, so it's highly unlikely you'll hear from me again.

Here are some sources to take a look at, or skid.

I have much more than this, but I'd be more of a traitor than I already am by giving them out.


I give my deep apologies to those that I have betrayed, especially you Immune ( even though we're somewhat good with eachother now ).


Goodbye my fellow skids 😅

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stop take my rice


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Translated version (for those who don't speak skid):


I've made many of these threads but this isn't my last one. Expect to see a couple more in the coming months.

There are good and bad experiences I've had in the 2 years I've been here ( yes I was here before plotting my uprise ) and I'm not going to talk about them because I'm probably writing this either really early or really late ( there's no inbetween when it comes to writing goodbye threads istg, probably that 3am motivation to leave wrd addiction before you realize when you wake up you can't take it anymore and create a new account fr )


I'm selling my PC so I can buy a Raspberry Pi and freelance on that before earning enough to buy a new RTX-4090 i9-13billion 64 GB DDR5 10tb NVMe SSD PC to "run visual studio code" when in reality I'm going to use it for intense reverse engineering sessions to showcase a video where I bypass Byfron and print "suck my balls byfron" while mass-pinging Roblox on social media before repeating the entire process. That being said, you probably won't hear from me for a couple months or so ( maybe shorter depending on how fast my new shiny Raspberry Pi arrives ).


As a certified skid, I would like to give these sources to the community to "help" newcomers ( in reality it's so more people will skid for my own entertainment in Disputes ).

{links lol}

I'm gonna say I'm sorry, but in reality I still hate most of the people I've had conflicts with (like you ishan) unless the conflict was my stupidity.


Goodbye my fellow skids, cya in a few months!

{Spotify ong}


(joke btw goodbye ethan, you'll be missed here)

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we are dead

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Joined: Oct, 2023

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You will be missed 🫡

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I love u ethan ❤ 😍 💖 ❣ 


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i say im gay as a joke 🙀

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bye ethereum

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Some of these are already public. Like the acrylix UI (Just my guess)

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