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Source code release of a rust based roblox executor (the dll source)

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Joined: Aug, 2022

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Wrote this a year ago as a pet project, not updated for byfron or anything recent, granted it gives you a good idea of how to write a roblox exploit in Rust or work with low level primitives. I can patch up the source code if there's interest. Everything is written in rust (the only real "c++" in the source is a dependency called mlua which wraps the luau source code into a rust api, used to provide a way to compile scripts into bytecode).


Keep in mind its a messy source with a lot of comments for myself but can be helpful for you (never intended to actually release this or mantain it)

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am i just dumb or does this straight up use assembly for some things 💀


TheSpy 0 Reputation


Yep, assembly is used for stuff which roblox has inlined or going around retcheck. Some stuff in the end of the api file are unsused tho (never got around to adding custom functions)

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Whoman 17 Reputation


@TheSpy cool, also how did you read files with a dll injected to roblox? I was getting permission errors when I was doing it

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TERIHAX 30 Reputation


@Whoman i think you need to run the injector as an admin first

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TheSpy 0 Reputation


Yep, injector needs to be admin

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Zayn 10 Reputation


Thats false, the injector has to actually change the SID permissions of the DLL to be able to inject into a UWP application, they have higher restrictions. Running as admin is not a good fix, if you want help I can help

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Did I mention I use arch btw?


i say im gay as a joke 🙀

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uh cool ig idk if i can vouch i havent tried it

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Joined: Aug, 2023

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could you give me an API so I can use this module and stick it in my exploit? I want to play before I go to jail..

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