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Monaco Text Editor?

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Hello! I have recently heard that there was a new text editor called Monaco. I was wondering if someone could explain what it does, how I can include it into an executor, and where I can find documentation on it. Thank you for taking the time to read this post. :)

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Monaco is a Text Editor made in html and some other things, to use it you need to use webview2 and make a index.html file and link it the webview2
now to get and set text you need to make your own code for it or use the Parex API for it. I highly recomend you watch one of parex's videos on monaco

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It is a Syntax Editor. It highlights specific code keywords, technically like an IDE. It works just as similar to Visual Studio's IDE code explorer. That is what it is. To add it, make a Web Browser. The code will invoke HTML.


            webBrowser1.Url = new Uri(string.Format("file:///{0}/Bin/Monaco/Monaco.html", Directory.GetCurrentDirectory()));

Now, the Bin/ and after that is the directory. Make a new folder, Rename it Bin, put a new folder inside of Bin, Rename it Monaco, and should work!

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hecker dude ngl i hecked 5 ips in 1 second also luaU_loadbiglongjuicythingy(rL);

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Monaco isn't really a new Editor - it's been used long ago. I'm pretty sure you've got the rest of the explanation from the rest of the replies.

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Random quote here...

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@heckerdude, Thank you for explaining that in detail. I am a bit confused when you said to make a new folder in the Bin folder and name it Monaco. With all due respect, why would I need to make an empty folder? Is there a Monaco download folder I should be referencing in Visual Studio OR putting in the bin folder?

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@VoidableMethod, I thought it was new, thank you for pointing that out.

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