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[RATE] 1/10, Rate my website.

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Took me 1-2 Hours to make this (not including the time it took making changes).


Rate 1/10.



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@CloudRBLX, I would rate it an 8/10. Here are some suggestions you may want to follow. Try changing the font a bit to not be too bold and try spacing out the buttons and sections. Overall, you did an amazing job.

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I would say about a 3/10.


Here are some of my tips:


1: Add better mobile support (scaling for smaller screens and such).

2: Add some more animations, kind of feels bland.

3: Fix some of the pointers, g.e: I hover over the undetected tab and I get a text pointer.

4: Try to host it off of Wix, kind of ruins the top banner and such.


If you want me to clearify on some of my tips, just let me know and I will try to!


Good luck, it is a nice start!

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Ty for rep: Swiney, Byoke, Lion, Locust, Waves, Weeb, Nickk, darkn, Atari, CubeFaces, Lux14, Rice, Delta, Syraxes, Aeon, Jordan, Pluto, and Hiroku!

P.S, I like cats better too!



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it doesnt have a lot of content but the ui looks clean af ill give it a 7

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Since it is made with WiX, I would rate it a 5.5/10. It has potential and could be better by..


1) Adding Animations to give it a feel


2) Add some colours but if you going for a dark feel its fine.


3) Add a bit more on the homepage such as opinions of the Cloud Executor and what your goal is.


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Copy web source code and paste it onto replit and remove the header :troll:

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@Aetheron, No, Just no.

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