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Explanation on Server Sided and Client Sided



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I understand a lot of new people are joining the community. If you want to be a script developer particually in lua, please read this thread carefully.


A lot of people misconcept the information between server sided (we will call it ss) and client sided (we will call it cs).


Here is the very poor explanation on what is this mysterious 'thing':


Client sided often refered to local player, means YOU. Client sided means that only you can see the script's functions, acts, etc. For example, if I were to ban a random player using this sample:

local user = "ROBLOX"--username
game.Players[user]:Kick("no reason lmao")

It will kick the user, but in a client sided execution. This means the user has suddenly been kicked BUT just for YOU. The other user is still allowed to play the game normally as if nothing happened.


What happens if you run the script above?

The player username will be deleted from the list, the main players folders, information, values from the game will disappear for you.


To end this, client sided means only you can see the script (in lua terms) and can only work for you as well.



Server sided which we call ss throughout here, means that everything happens on the server, not on the client. This means the script source will be sent to the whole web server.


People make server sided by bypassing certain checks, or using the games own functions on themselves (kinda like grabbing a nail and putting it into a hammer or just self damage).


How the freak is this even possible?

There are a lot of ways, which I dont know all of them. One way is that if the game has LoadStringEnabled(), it can be vulnerable to exploits. There is actually a warning when enabling this in Roblox Studio.


Another way is that if the developer of the game has created a specific remote event (can be decompiled and checked) with the correct arguments that if we run a script on robloxs context, it will run for the whole server. You don't have to be the game developer or owner, just a local can do it.


local execute = game.ReplicatedStorage.Execute--pretend the owner of the game made this

function RUN_SCRIPT(script)--we would run it in a fake function
execute.FireServer(script)--run it on the server

If we call RUN_SCRIPT we can now make a fully server sided execution!


Another bonus because why not?


Now, if you are planning to do this, here's a little thing to actually help you.


NOTE: You code the Remote Event. You can do this by typing 'How to execute scripts in Roblox Studio' and pasting the code on YouTube.


1 Go to the lua script above and paste it in your main init script [script that loads for functions, whatever].


2 Paste this code in your execution type (pipes) or whatever (should know how to do this)


void run_script(lua_State* L, const char* SCRIPT){
lua_getfield(L, -10002, "RUN_SCRIPT");
lua_pushstring(L, SCRIPT);
lua_pcall(L, 1, 0x0, 0x0);


3 You must have the full lua C library (if you are using this in an exploit, replace it with a unsigned int)


4 Run the script! It should work (not tested yet)


Please correct me in the comments :)

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hecker dude ngl i hecked 5 ips in 1 second also luaU_loadbiglongjuicythingy(rL);


Web Developer


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Thank you so much! This will be useful for new users!

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I'm not lazy, I'm just highly motivated to do nothing. #I💚Dogs.



Posts: 129

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Joined: Aug, 2022

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@Syraxes_, Thank you as well!

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hecker dude ngl i hecked 5 ips in 1 second also luaU_loadbiglongjuicythingy(rL);

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