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I made an exploit but how can i request it to be on the exploits page?
so i made an exploit called "MX-WARE" but i dont know what to do to get it on the exploits page
i suck
As someone who has gone on the Exploits Page 2 times, there's a few things that are helpful to getting on the Exploits Page:
- Become a Trusted Member (Becoming one here is especially crucial)
- Have people root for you
- It helps to have a big user-base already
- Make sure it is pretty clear there is no way you can sneak viruses into your executor
- Really make sure your exploit can be set apart from everyone else
As far as I can tell, you're definitely not ready to get onto the Front Page:
If you'll need help, i might be able to help you out: N4ri#8077
<3 N4ri
Exploits i use: Comet
Scripts i use: anything cool
No offense, but you cant just be a random user from nowhere. You must built trust from the start.
Anyways the UI looks like galaxy and i live in universe so idk
hecker dude ngl i hecked 5 ips in 1 second also luaU_loadbiglongjuicythingy(rL);
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