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[help] Whitelist not working

Posts: 45

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Joined: Aug, 2022

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I get this error whenever trying to run my script, one of its children is a module script that has the table in, not sure why its not working.

ServerScriptService.Fun.Fun Commands:20: invalid argument #1 to 'find' (table expected, got number)

if table.find(Player.UserId, Whitelists) then
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Posts: 102

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Joined: Feb, 2022

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you switch up the arguments

if table.find(Whitelists, Player.UserId) then

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Posts: 18

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Joined: Dec, 2022

Reputation: 4


According to table.find documentation, you provide the table first, then the value to look for second. You have that mixed up.

table.find({ "Hello", "World" }, "World") --> 2
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