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Mr Lolegics (bad) apology.
I am writing to sincerely apologize to the WeAreDevs Community for my past behavior. Upon reflection, I have realized that my actions have been inconsiderate and toxic, and I am truly sorry for the mistakes I have made. I understand that my behavior has had negative consequences, and I deeply regret any harm that I may have caused.
I am fully committed to changing my old ways of being incompetent and egotistical, and I want to make amends for my actions. I understand that simply apologizing is not enough to fix the issues that I have caused, and I am willing to take active steps to show my commitment to improving and making up for my mistakes. To demonstrate my dedication to improving and moving forward in a positive direction, I plan on releasing several projects to the WeAreDevs community.
I know that rebuilding trust will not be easy, and I understand that it will take time and effort on my part to earn back your respect and trust. I am willing to put in the work to become a better person and to be more considerate and respectful towards others in the future. I promise to reflect on my actions and take responsibility for my mistakes, and I hope that my actions moving forward can demonstrate my sincerity and commitment to change.
I am truly sorry for any difficulties that I may have caused, and I understand that my behavior has had negative impacts on others. I want to express my sincere remorse and regret for any discomfort that I may have caused, and I hope that ya can forgive my past actions.
I suck at writing essays so I had some help from jj on this. Also, sorry for just spitting insults at immune. I shoulda just ignored him or heard him out and tried to make a respectful argument that hopefully would have lead to a better comprimise rather than just a full out girly drama war. I also, shouldn't have been a donkey butt to my friend atari (I alr apologized to him like after everything happened so we good, but yeah. I suck at arguments and honestly I try to avoid them the best I can. Hope ya forgive my childish mistakes and can accept me back as a neutral pacifist. :smiley_face:
I mean, you didn't do a such bad thing, however it's still a bad thing. You have a second chance from me.
Random quote here...
very long essay dont want to read but vouch i would give you pos rep if i could
Yeah... To be honest, all I really did was try and defend myself in a really crappy way.
I mean no one likes being insulted constantly from a random person, but I should have just ignored it rather than adding on to the nonsense.
In most parts I was trying to defend myself, now the part where I sent you the grammar thing and other link to sum, well that was just me being an ass, and the part where I banned you constantly.
Either way, I'm sorry for doing so. It was childish actions that should have never happened.
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