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[Pre-Release] Kuda Exploit - A beautiful, simple & free Roblox exploit.
I'm not lazy, I'm just highly motivated to do nothing. #I💚Dogs.
close and minimize buttons too big
the '+' on the tab doesnt follow paddings for the X (it should), and is larger. (it isn't clear enough that these are 'seperate')
it says 'Home' in the bottom which seems pointless since it's the only tab. if u were to add more then i would also say it really doesn't fit in that location, whether it be the size, design or space to the bottom, it looks unnatural
the fade thing for the bg is not bad, i think without it will look just as good and i feel like i've seen it a couple times before (so this is not really a problem)
in the editor some words are in a different font, which for sure doesn't look good
some of the above is my opinion and the rest is something im sure anyone reading will agree with. hope you found this helpful, good luck
edit: just saw the other tabs, ok so that 'label' in the bottom is pointless in my opinion, maybe change the location, ignore what i said before.
additionally the searchbar in the scripthub is in a very bad spot, trust me it will not do u good keeping it over there
in the settings panel u should indent the text slightly, and that toggle thing should be a little smaller and more 'inside'
@Ren_Shou We are planning on redoing in total the UI, So this will help, thanks for the suggestion!
I'm not lazy, I'm just highly motivated to do nothing. #I💚Dogs.
seen the same design over and over and over and over again for the 100th time, sorry.
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