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How do you make an auto update/bootstrapper or whatnot to your exploit?
title is self-explanatory again, i wanna make an auto update feature or bootstrapper to my exec. any ideas how to?
i want it so that you don't need to download the same program again when theres a new update. i want to create a program which enables the user to update the program, not redownload it to have the latest version
wyhypobi | releasing my new injector soon!
Code from: ImmuneLion318
static void Main(string[] args) { /* Variables To Be Set For Proper Working Bootstrapper */ string DownloadLink = "", FileName = $""; /* Delete Files & Clear Directories */ foreach (var Directories in Directory.GetDirectories(Environment.CurrentDirectory)) Directory.Delete(Directories, true); foreach (var Files in Directory.GetFiles(Environment.CurrentDirectory)) File.Delete(Files); /* Download Update */ using (var Client = new WebClient { Proxy = null }) { /* Handle Update */ Client.DownloadFile(DownloadLink, $"{FileName}.zip"); /* DownloadLink = Raw Direct Link, FileName Has To Be A Zipped Folder */ ZipFile.ExtractToDirectory($"{FileName}/{FileName}.zip", Environment.CurrentDirectory); /* Extract Zip To Current Directory */ Process.Start($"{FileName}.exe"); /* Start Application */ } }
Thank you Swiney2, Vilictus and SnowyWaves for the +reps
kyxo in development
@Kyrus Why did u spoonfeed, You easily could have just told him the names of the methods and such and let him figure it out on his own
Know c# and trying to expand my knowledge in it.
Rep Goal [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]
Rickrolled Talan2016 :
first, you want to make 2 executables, one is a launcher and a bootstrapper (ill explain this later) and one is your actual file
i recommend putting your actual file inside of a folder for example a "bin" folder or any folder to be clean
your first executable will act as a caretaker for your actual file, it will check with the server on if your actual file installation is outdated/ if its outdated it will quickly delete all of the files inside of the bin folder, download a zip containing your actual files dlls and the exe, unzip the zip file inside of the bin folder, and boom. how will it check the version? basically just use the traditional way of setting a files version, aka the description of the file.
of course for the first time a user opens this executable they do not possess a installation of the actual file therefore you will need to make it so the 1st file which acts as the launcher checks if the file is there, if its not there it will simply create a bin folder and then download the zip folder and unzip it inside of the bin folder. that should be all.
If you also want to update your boostrapper once in a while and you really really do not trust your users intelligence, you can simply make it so your actual file acts like a boostrapper too to the boostrapper if that makes any sense lol
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